17 February 2020 - Preschoolers in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital will breathe more easily after the procurement in which...
13 February 2020 - Author: Danko Kalkan, Green Finance and Environmental Management Unit Coordinator in ProCredit Bank’s subsidiary in...
12 February 2020 - The organizers aim to recognize the contribution of leaders from government, civil society and the...
11 February 2020 - The document lacks economic analysis and it doesn’t provide biodiversity data for the particular location,...
10 February 2020 - There are several inconsistencies with NERP, according to legal environmental organization RERI. Its representatives pointed...
10 February 2020 - The Council of Ministers intends to increase the EUR 3 million package. Cyprus set aside...
06 February 2020 - New legislation brings the system in line with several EU rules in the sector. North...
06 February 2020 - Elon Musk, founder and chief executive of Tesla, landed second in approval level due to...
05 February 2020 - The European Commission was tasked with creating legislation for a comprehensive system for connecting gadgets...
28 January 2020 - Local authorities in North Macedonia have started implementing the recommendations the government passed at the...
27 January 2020 - Deputy mayor Goran Vesić has laid out a five-year plan to combat pollution in Serbia’s...
06 January 2020 - Citizens may get 15% of Elektroprivreda Srbije or EPS this year as the Government of...
03 January 2020 - The Department for Property and Legal Affairs of the Municipality of Paraćin has annulled the...
31 December 2019 - The Regulatory Authority for Energy revealed Greece’s dominant power producer is already taking steps in...
19 December 2019 - The Government of Serbia has tweaked an executive order about the determination of activities impacting...
18 December 2019 - Green infrastructure helps reduce the urban heat island effect, regulates the microclimate and filters and...