18 July 2016 - The European Investment Bank said it approved a EUR 50 million credit line to SID...
15 July 2016 - Romanian Partnership Agreement with the European Union for the 2014-2020 programming period will be supported...
08 July 2016 - Environmental group Zeleni Neretva said that after a three-year process, the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo...
07 July 2016 - Branislav Savić, head of Ball Packaging Europe Belgrade Ltd., said Ball Corporation gives great significance...
02 July 2016 - Local media said the City of Niš was granted EUR 56 million, more than half of...
30 June 2016 - Implementation of targets for separate collection of packaging waste in municipalities is the direction for...
23 June 2016 - The Government of Sweden financed the Environmental Infrastructure Support Programme (EISP) in Serbia with over...
18 May 2016 - The European Commission rates well the transposition of European Union regulations to Serbia’s legislation, but...
25 February 2016 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna esa.rugova@burgcapital.com This article is part of a series...
03 June 2015 - Hydrological research showed the total potential capacity of the small hydropower units in Montenegro would...
24 April 2015 - Licenses for the construction and use of 30 power plants throughout Albania were cancelled by...