hydrogen germany subsidies

Germany providing EUR 4.6 billion in grants for hydrogen projects

18 July 2024 - Germany is disbursing EUR 4.6 billion in subsidies for 23 projects for hydrogen production, transportation and storage

Western Balkans Country Climate and Development Report CCDR

Western Balkans must invest USD 37 billion to protect people from escalating climate change impacts

18 July 2024 - World Bank Group has published the Western Balkans regional Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR)

western balkans wind solar investments study

Western Balkans have as many prospective solar, wind projects as Germany

17 July 2024 - Prospective utility-scale solar and wind capacity amounts to 23 GW or 70% more than a year ago, according to the latest study

Balkans blackout June 21 two overhead lines tripped ENTSO-E

Balkans blackout on June 21 occurred after two overhead lines tripped – ENTSO-E

17 July 2024 - ENTSO-E said the cascading power failure of June 21 ensued amid outages of two overhead lines, of which the first is in Montenegro

hupx prices heatwave hungary istvanffy gyorgy

Istvánffy: Persistence of high power prices at HUPX depends on heat wave, import crunch

16 July 2024 - Director of markets at HUPX György Istvánffy attributed the extreme electricity price increase to several fundamental factors

Green for Growth Fund financial impact targets 2023

Green for Growth Fund tops its financial, impact targets in 2023

15 July 2024 - The Green for Growth Fund kept mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable economic growth last year in its 18 markets

heatwave power exchange prices see europe serbia

What is behind electricity price spike in SEE: grid issues, and something more

13 July 2024 - Record high temperatures aren't the main cause of the record price increase on power exchanges, ranging from 50% to 170%

green steel electric vehicles study transport environment

Switching to green steel would add just EUR 8 per electric vehicle by 2040

11 July 2024 - Switching to 40% green steel would add just EUR 57 to the sticker price of an electric vehicle in 2030, according to an analysis by T&E

wind europe report grid coonection wind farms

Grid access is new permitting – 500 GW of total wind capacity is halted in ten European states

08 July 2024 - In a new report, WindEurope examined grid access challenges in Europe and proposed practical actions to overcome them

Beeck ProCredit Bank setting standards ESG

Beeck: ProCredit Bank leads by example in sustainability

08 July 2024 - ProCredit Bank aims to make a significant impact in Southeastern and Eastern Europe, board member Christoph Beeck said

Shell halts construction biofuel refinery Rotterdam cut costs

Shell halts construction of biofuel refinery in Rotterdam to cut costs

05 July 2024 - Shell is pausing construction of a biofuel plant in the Netherlands. It joins a group of European energy firms scaling back green investments.

Serbia national carbon pricing system instead regional ETS

Serbia proposes national CO2 pricing system instead of regional ETS

04 July 2024 - In light of CBAM, Serbia could accept taxing emissions on a national level at fixed prices instead of a regional emissions trading system

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