31 March 2020 - Author: Danko Kalkan, Green Finance and Environmental Management Expert Climate change, intensive resource use and...
30 March 2020 - Kosovo* must rectify its breaches by July 1 or the Energy Community Secretariat will initiate...
27 March 2020 - Concentrations of nitrogen oxides have gone down by as much as one half in some...
26 March 2020 - The annual Earth Hour event is on Saturday evening but without any gatherings due to...
25 March 2020 - Market participants pushed prices of electricity and emission certificates lower at the main exchanges in...
13 March 2020 - The Ministry of Environmental Protection said the Government of Serbia issued a decree on subsidizing...
10 March 2020 - The Climate Smart Bio-Waste Management Challenge is open until April 22. Local authorities, public enterprises,...
10 March 2020 - Krüger and Veolia were picked to improve biogas output and energy efficiency in the processing...
04 March 2020 - The Balkan state was supposed to undertake measures of protection from harmful fertilizers by December...
02 March 2020 - The former Yugoslav republic stays committed to slashing its dependence on fossil fuels and wants...
02 March 2020 - The Declaration of Ulcinj on the Prevention of Marine Litter has been signed by heads...
27 February 2020 - Grand finalists will present their entries at the GGF Sustainable Future Forum in Frankfurt on...
26 February 2020 - Organizers invited people to gatherings for clean air that are scheduled for 18:00 in Skopje,...
26 February 2020 - Activists criticize the investors for diverting almost the entire river flow at two stations in...
24 February 2020 - The new scheme, required under EU rules, is designed to limit operations of industrial and...
21 February 2020 - KelKos is apparently under investigation over its projects in Štrpce and Matkos Group is threatening...