05 December 2019 - The most affordable strategy for the government in Prishtina would be to phase out coal-fueled...
04 December 2019 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Energy Efficiency (GIZ ORF-EE) has...
30 October 2019 - Public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) intends to invest EUR 4.6 billion from 2019 to...
22 October 2019 - A group of 41 mayors from 10 coal regions in 9 European countries including 11...
17 October 2019 - Author: Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe Coal is on its way out, which is...
01 October 2019 - Conversion from coal and oil to natural gas increases the greenhouse effect of energy consumption...
01 October 2019 - The world is taking strides to a point of no return on climate breakdown, yet...
25 September 2019 - Greece will adopt a new national energy and climate plan by the end of 2019...
23 September 2019 - NGOs Greenpeace and Bankwatch Romania have launched a new report outlining scenarios for the just...
20 September 2019 - A business plan being drafted by the management of majority state-owned Public Power Corporation (PPC)...
22 August 2019 - Contracts have been signed on projects for Bulgaria’s municipalities of Plovdiv and Vidin to improve...
22 July 2019 - Electricity tariffs in Serbia have not changed in two years and should be raised, International...
04 July 2019 - Republika Srpska plans to introduce auctions for the construction of hydropower and solar power plants,...
25 June 2019 - Air pollution in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was twice the legal limit on two thirds...
25 June 2019 - Turkey aims to increase the share of the domestic and renewable energy sources in the...
21 June 2019 - The three most coal-intensive Energy Community (EnC) Contracting Parties – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, and...