small hydropower plants

Two more weeks left for comments on EU-backed principles, list of sustainable hydropower projects in Western Balkans

17 August 2018 - The extended deadline to provide comments on the draft Principles for Sustainable Hydropower in the Western...

Minister to seek changes to nature protection law over small hydropower plants

13 July 2018 - Serbian Minister of Environmental Protection Goran Trivan has announced an initiative to change the country’s...

hydropower Draft catalog for sustainable development of small hydropower plants in BiH

Bids sought for three small hydropower plants

12 July 2018 - The Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mining of Republika Srpska has launched tenders for concessions...

Both BiH entities issue permits for small hydropower plants despite warnings

31 August 2017 - The authorities in both entities in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) are issuing permits for small hydropower plants...

Number of small hydropower plants rises to 17 in Republic of Srpska

23 June 2017 - Small hydropower plant (SHPP) was launched yesterday in the municipality of Teslić, in the Republic...

EU funds back sustainable energy development in Slovenia

04 April 2017 - The Ministry of Infrastructure in Ljubljana placed invitations for projects of energy rehabilitation of buildings...

Vojvodina province to exploit its hydropower potential

24 February 2017 - The Government of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina decided to utilize the hydropower potential of the...

Small is not (always) beautiful: small hydro development in the Western Balkans

22 February 2017 - By Igor Vejnović, Hydropower Policy Officer, CEE Bankwatch Network It has long been recognized that...

EPS invites tenders for rehabilitation of seven small hydro plants

09 February 2017 - Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) is inviting sealed tenders from contractors for the rehabilitation...

Concession granted for construction of five small hydro power plants in FBiH

07 February 2017 - Five small hydro power plants (SHPPs) with a total capacity of 3,5 MW will be...

Albania adopts law on promotion of energy from renewables

03 February 2017 - The Parliament of Albania passed the Law on Promotion of the Use of Energy from...

Montenegro increased tariff for renewables and high-efficiency cogeneration

01 February 2017 - Montenegro increased the tariff subsidy for electricity from renewable energy sources and high efficiency cogeneration...

Government of Montenegro granted concessions for small hydroplants

17 January 2017 - The Government of Montenegro granted concessions for the construction of small hydro power plants (SHPP)...

Investor gives up building HPP in Velebit Nature Park

11 January 2017 - The company “Hydroelectric power plants” gave up construction of a small hydropower plant (SHPP) on...

Two mini hydro projects in southeast Serbia need no impact assessment

04 November 2015 - The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Serbia said there is no need for...

Small hydropower plants project stuck with deadline nigh

06 May 2015 - Zorana Mihajlović, Serbian vice premier and minister for construction and infrastructure, said the development of small...

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