28 April 2022 - Kosovo's regulator ERO received applications in 2021 for 298 MW in total, of which one is a 250 MW pumped storage hydropower plant
08 April 2022 - The Hrastnik municipality now hosts the largest solar power plant in Slovenia, and other projects are underway
08 March 2022 - Persons and firms have the opportunity to sell their renewable energy projects or power plants to Bosnia and Herzegovina's EPBiH
02 February 2022 - Germany's KfW gave up on a project, ten concessions have been annulled, and a public debate on banning small hydropower plants is underway
08 January 2022 - Serbia will declare two national parks - Stara planina and Kučaj-Beljanica, both mountain areas in the eastern part of the country
24 December 2021 - The State Audit Office of Northern Macedonia identified serious omissions in the concessions for small hydropower plants
02 December 2021 - An overwhelming number of renewable energy projects received a production license or a producer certificate in Greece so far
19 October 2021 - The facilities are owned by KelKos, a subsidiary of Austria-based Kelag-Kärntner Elektrizitäts and Kelag International.
09 September 2021 - The new law will be aligned to a great extent with the EU’s Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
06 September 2021 - If fossil fuel companies are transitioning to clean energy, they should issue green bonds, CEO of Climate Bonds Initiative Sean Kidney said in an interview
02 September 2021 - The main reason for their construction are state incentives which are not in line with the rules of the EU, according to the analysis.
31 August 2021 - At this year's Fifth Split International Energy Forum one of the panels was dedicated to energy democracy, a new concept that connects the energy transition with democracy and citizen's participation.
25 August 2021 - Citizens protested throughout Bulgaria against the government's proposal to scrap the ban on the construction of hydropower plants in protected areas
12 July 2021 - Serbia's Ministry of Mining and Energy filed criminal charges against the ex-environment minister and the Director of the Institute for Nature Conservation
29 June 2021 - The first photovoltaic system in a rural area in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been installed thanks to an online crowdfunding campaign.
29 June 2021 - Small hydropower plant owner KelKos launched defamation lawsuits against Shpresa Loshaj and Adriatik Gacaferi to intimidate and silence them, Amnesty International claims