

Fintel secures financing, permit for wind parks

08 June 2015 - Energobalkan DOO signed a contract with Unicredit Bank Serbia for financing La Piccolina wind farm...

Three small hydropower projects soon up for bids in Montenegro

03 June 2015 - Hydrological research showed the total potential capacity of the small hydropower units in Montenegro would...

Canton signs concession for EUR 1.99 million SHPP

02 June 2015 - Company Eko Energy DOO from Tešanj plans to build a small-sized hydropower plant (SHPP) worth...

Petkim wind farm shall be complete next year

Petkim wind farm shall be complete next year

02 June 2015 - The wind power plant for Turkey’s Petkim petrochemical complex, in which the State Oil Company...

Vaptech commissions Mesići-Nova hydropower plant

30 May 2015 - Old hydro facility Slaviša Vajner Čiča from 1950 was retired, Večernje novosti newspaper reported. The...

Consultant to be hired for Kostolac wind park project

27 May 2015 - EPS (Electric Power Industry of Serbia), state-owned utility, is completing the bidding process for a...

Development of a Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Serbia

27 May 2015 - Project summary A series of round tables on sustainable use of biomass was held from...

Birds, bats and wind power: understanding risks

27 May 2015 - “The biggest thing we get from a cumulative impact assessment is for developers to share...

Vestas receives 83 MW order for Yahyalı wind park

27 May 2015 - Bak Enerji Uretimi A. Ş. is buying equipment for its wind project in Turkey from...

CHP plant to be added to pellet facility by end-2016

25 May 2015 - Bioenergy Point, part of businessman Zoran Drakulić’s Point Group Int, started the construction of a...


Tender for Podveležje windmill in the pipeline

22 May 2015 - After the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave approval to the Federal...

State lacks strategy, aims for mix of renewables and nuclear

19 May 2015 - Energy minister Andrei Gerea noted Romania doesn't have an energy strategy, but that at the EUS there is also no common direction

Energy production from biomass with USD 1.6 million from UNDP

18 May 2015 - Businessmen interested in investing in the facilities for combined production of electric and thermal energy...

Belectric wins 77.4 MW in Turkey’s first solar licensing

18 May 2015 - Joint venture partner of Germany’s Belectric Solarkraftwerke GmbH has tendered successfully the single largest ground-mounted...

SunRise PV Systems wins second round tender in Jordan

18 May 2015 - Project developers eager to set up solar photovoltaic power projects in Jordan took a shot at...

Energy intensive businesses pay smaller renewables fees?

18 May 2015 - The government prepares a new decree about incentives for energy from renewable sources, which will...

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