08 June 2015 - Energobalkan DOO signed a contract with Unicredit Bank Serbia for financing La Piccolina wind farm...
03 June 2015 - Hydrological research showed the total potential capacity of the small hydropower units in Montenegro would...
02 June 2015 - Company Eko Energy DOO from Tešanj plans to build a small-sized hydropower plant (SHPP) worth...
02 June 2015 - The wind power plant for Turkey’s Petkim petrochemical complex, in which the State Oil Company...
30 May 2015 - Old hydro facility Slaviša Vajner Čiča from 1950 was retired, Večernje novosti newspaper reported. The...
27 May 2015 - EPS (Electric Power Industry of Serbia), state-owned utility, is completing the bidding process for a...
27 May 2015 - Project summary A series of round tables on sustainable use of biomass was held from...
27 May 2015 - “The biggest thing we get from a cumulative impact assessment is for developers to share...
27 May 2015 - Bak Enerji Uretimi A. Ş. is buying equipment for its wind project in Turkey from...
25 May 2015 - Bioenergy Point, part of businessman Zoran Drakulić’s Point Group Int, started the construction of a...
22 May 2015 - After the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave approval to the Federal...
19 May 2015 - Energy minister Andrei Gerea noted Romania doesn't have an energy strategy, but that at the EUS there is also no common direction
18 May 2015 - Businessmen interested in investing in the facilities for combined production of electric and thermal energy...
18 May 2015 - Joint venture partner of Germany’s Belectric Solarkraftwerke GmbH has tendered successfully the single largest ground-mounted...
18 May 2015 - Project developers eager to set up solar photovoltaic power projects in Jordan took a shot at...
18 May 2015 - The government prepares a new decree about incentives for energy from renewable sources, which will...