climate change

European Commission: Turkey makes good progress on renewables, energy efficiency

17 June 2019 - Turkey is moderately prepared in the area of energy, according to the European Commission’s latest...

European Commission: Montenegro should step up enforcement of laws in environmental protection, climate change

14 June 2019 - Montenegro has made some progress in harmonizing its legislation with the EU in the field...

10 years of Green Parliamentary Group: Reaching across the aisle – and region – on environmental protection

07 June 2019 - The 10th Anniversary of the informal Green Parliamentary Group was marked at a conference held...

EU Commission: Serbia makes limited progress on energy, climate change yet to receive adequate attention

29 May 2019 - Serbia made limited progress in the area of energy, while the policy areas of environment...

EU Overshoot Day: 7% of world’s population uses nearly 20% of Earth’s biocapacity

16 May 2019 - If everybody in the world lived like EU residents, the world would have exhausted the...

“Transformative change” urged to tackle nature decline as one million species face extinction

08 May 2019 - The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has urged “transformative change” to...

Fridays for Future

Serbia’s first Fridays for Future climate protest held in Belgrade

08 April 2019 - Serbia’s first Fridays for Future climate change protest was held in Belgrade on April 5....

Serbia’s first Fridays for Future climate protest scheduled for April 5

02 April 2019 - Serbia will this week join the Fridays for Future global climate protests, inspired by now...

Finland again picks climate change song for Eurovision

22 March 2019 - Finland has again chosen a song with a powerful message about climate change to represent...

International Day of Forests: Deforestation is global, regional problem contributing to climate change

21 March 2019 - Forests filter out dust and other particles from air and have a positive impact on...

Apply for Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice and get paid placement in one of 18 European states

19 March 2019 - EIT Climate-KIC, a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), has invited students, postgraduates, and professionals to...

Scientists find way to turn CO2 back into coal at room temperature

12 March 2019 - A team of scientists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia have found a way to...

Helping SEE region transform energy consumption model, shape political will for sector changes

26 February 2019 - Our ultimate goal is to improve people’s quality of life in South-East Europe (SEE), Joachim...

Work ahead to produce Montenegro’s Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan

28 January 2019 - Author: Đorđije Vulikić, climate change and sustainable energy consultant The Energy Union strategy is based...

UNDP issues public call to apply for preparation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

25 January 2019 - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has issued a public...

Climate negotiations: From Paris to Katowice and what lies ahead

15 January 2019 - Author: Danijela Božanić, climate change expert Climate change is one of the key problems of...

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