
Piraeus Bank joins EUR 650 million EIB green infrastructure investment program

12 September 2019 - Piraeus Bank has agreed to support a new EUR 650 million infrastructure investment program developed...

Croatia premiums

Croatia: from incentives to premiums until renewable energy target is reached

14 August 2019 - Author: Maja Pokrovac, Managing Director at Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia (RES Croatia)* With its...

RCERO Ljubljana recovering 95% of waste generated by one-third of Slovenia’s population

20 June 2019 - In May, Malaysia joined China in banning waste imports, a move that will put more...

MK Group to invest EUR 8.1 million in biogas power plant

19 June 2019 - MK Biogas, a subsidiary of MK Group, intends to invest EUR 8.1 million in a...

Croatian cities Zagreb, Novska to build EUR 50 million biowaste facility

19 April 2019 - The cities of Zagreb and Novska and the Zagreb waste management center have signed an...

Slovenia pays EUR 135 million in renewable energy, CHP subsidies in 2018

18 April 2019 - Slovenia’s support payments for electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration (combined heat and...

Hard Talk on developing renewable energy sustainably in Serbia: Numerous barriers still exist

21 March 2019 - The latest in a series of Hard Talk events, titled “New Possibilities for Developing Renewable...

Serbia pushes back introduction of renewables auctions by a year, extends existing support decree

27 November 2018 - The Serbian government has extended the decree on incentives for the production of electricity from...

Slovenia pays EUR 143.5 million in renewable energy subsidies in 2017

09 May 2018 - Slovenia paid EUR 143.5 million in subsidies to renewable energy producers in 2017, down 2%...

Biogas CHP plant in Botoš could be 1st facility in Serbia to harness waste heat

Biogas CHP plant in Botoš could be 1st facility in Serbia to harness waste heat

23 April 2018 - A biogas combined heat and power plant (CHP) in the Vojvodina village of Botoš could...

Ministry preparing new package of incentives for renewable energy

19 April 2018 - The decree on incentive measures for renewable energy sources expires at the end of this...


Sombor to get power from biogas produced at waste water processing plant

07 March 2018 - The local authorities in the Vojvodina town of Sombor are planning to build an electricity...

Call for applications: renewables included in IPARD II in Turkey

Call for applications: renewables included in IPARD II in Turkey

23 February 2018 - Turkish renewable energy sector is one of the sectors to be financially supported by the...

RENEXPO Water & Energy in Belgrade, April 24 - 26

RENEXPO Water & Energy fair in Belgrade, April 24 – 26

26 January 2018 - The program of this year’s biggest international Western Balkan’s trade fair with conferences, RENEXPO Water...

Greek energy communities draft bill awaits ratification

Greek energy communities draft bill awaits ratification

15 December 2017 - Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy has submitted a draft bill for the establishment of energy...

City of Zagreb published tender for composting facility for biodegradable waste

City of Zagreb published tender for composting facility for biodegradable waste

14 December 2017 - The City of Zagreb published a tender for exploration works and design of the composting...

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