
Balkan Green Energy News

Serbia expecting call from Brussels to open Chapter 27

15 December 2016 - Serbia is expecting confirmation from Brussels to open negotiating Chapter 27 on environment, and the...

Turkey to reach 1% solar power share by year’s end

15 December 2016 - Turkey aims to reach 2,000 megawatts (MW) in installed solar capacities during 2017, according to...

Bill Gates: USD 1 billion for scientific breakthroughs in green energy

15 December 2016 - Bill Gates, a founder of Microsoft and a philanthropist, announced the launch of the fund...

BiH to fulfill agreements with Energy Community

14 December 2016 - Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has not fulfilled any of the obligations contained in the agreements...

UNDP and GIZ jointly promote energy efficiency of public buildings in Serbia

14 December 2016 - In order to further facilitate Serbia’s potential to save energy in public buildings through implementing...

EU Commission tells Cyprus to clean-up waste management legislation

14 December 2016 - Cyprus must adopt and update plans in the field of the waste management in order...

Albanian government proposes draft law on RES promotion

13 December 2016 - The new law on promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES) in...

EU requests Croatia to amend law on INA privatisation

13 December 2016 - The European Commission has formally requested Croatia to amend the law on privatisation of INA...

Higher electricity prices possible in Federation BiH on higher incentive fees

12 December 2016 - The incentive fees for renewable energy sources and cogeneration plants should be increased, said the...

Wood biomass subsidies in Croatia fiercely debated

12 December 2016 - A suspected lack of wood biomass for the renewable fuel facilities has triggered a tricky...

EBRD calls for feasibility study of Brčko District water project

12 December 2016 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has called tender for feasibility study within...

Albania to set up Agency for Energy Efficiency

12 December 2016 - The Agency for Energy Efficiency will be established in Albania with the main goal to...

Wet tests in HPP Brežice successfully launched

09 December 2016 - Wet tests have been successfully launched in the hydroelectric power plant (HPP) Brežice in Slovenia...

BiH’s Republic of Srpska: Amended Air Protection Law on public debate

09 December 2016 - The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted a draft Amendment to the Air...

Hidroelektrane na Drini to exceed power production plan in 2016

08 December 2016 - Hidroelektrane na Drini is to exceed the power production plan for this year. The company...

Energy Community announces measures to support Western Balkans regional electricity market

07 December 2016 - The Energy Community Secretariat has published today the Work Programme for the provision of technical...

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