17 February 2017 - The European Parliament supported the European Commission’s proposal to reduce the number of carbon credits...
14 February 2017 - The European Commission (EC) College proposed to prolong the import anti-dumping duties on solar panels...
10 February 2017 - An EUR 50 million agreement aimed to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy potential in...
03 February 2017 - The Parliament of Albania passed the Law on Promotion of the Use of Energy from...
09 January 2017 - The Croatian Government adopted the Waste Management Plan for the 2017-2022 period which, according to...
15 December 2016 - Serbia is expecting confirmation from Brussels to open negotiating Chapter 27 on environment, and the...
14 December 2016 - Cyprus must adopt and update plans in the field of the waste management in order...
13 December 2016 - The European Commission has formally requested Croatia to amend the law on privatisation of INA...
01 December 2016 - The European Commission has presented an ambitious energy strategy, dubbed “Clean Energy for All Europeans”...
22 November 2016 - A monthly report from the European Commission listed a number of European Union (EU) member...
02 November 2016 - The Government of Montenegro has adopted a plan for establishing Montenegrin power exchange in 2017 by...
01 May 2016 - The European Commission is requesting that Slovenia brings landfills in line with European Union legislation...
08 April 2016 - After the meeting held between Christer Asp, Ambassador of Sweden to Serbia and Aleksandar Vučić,...