
Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania sign memorandum on day-ahead market coupling

12 March 2019 - The transmission system operators (TSOs) of Bulgaria – ESO, North Macedonia – MEPSO, and Albania...

Vattenfall wind chief appointed WindEurope’s new chair

07 March 2019 - WindEurope’s Board of Directors has elected Gunnar Groebler – Senior Vice President, Business Area Wind...

BiH, North Macedonia most polluted countries in Europe – report

06 March 2019 - People in the Western Balkans breathe the most polluted air in Europe, with as many...

Kick-off meeting held for Croatia-Serbia-Bulgaria market coupling project

05 March 2019 - The kick-off meeting for the initiation of a trilateral power market coupling project between Croatia,...

Tendering: Technical Assistance under WBIF for energy, environment, social, transport, digital infrastructure

01 March 2019 - The European Investment Bank (EIB) has published a contract notice for the Infrastructure Project Facility...

European Water Association looking for webinar speakers

01 March 2019 - The European Water Association (EWA) is launching a series of webinars and looking for webinar...

Top 3 in February – environmental impact of renewables, polluting coal plants, air pollution

01 March 2019 - In February, our readers in English decided our most interesting read was an interview with...

MVP Plus Kick-off Work-shop in Podgorica

28 February 2019 - The GIZ ORF-EE held its MVP Plus Kick-off Work-shop in Podgorica, Montenegro from 26 to...

Helping SEE region transform energy consumption model, shape political will for sector changes

26 February 2019 - Our ultimate goal is to improve people’s quality of life in South-East Europe (SEE), Joachim...

Applications for social and Earth sciences Summer School due before March 1

26 February 2019 - The Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) has invited postgraduate students and early...

Local authorities in SEE invited to apply to host workshop on financing options for greener cities

25 February 2019 - ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, in cooperation with the EKLIPSE project and NATURVATION project,...

New ways for prosumers to interact with energy market, grid operators

25 February 2019 - The LEAFS project, implemented by the Austrian Institute of Technology, addresses challenges that arise from...

Western Balkan countries once again commit to clean energy development, as EU warns them about hydropower

22 February 2019 - Western Balkan countries are renewing their vows to switch to clean energy sources under joint...

SEE parliamentarians prepare Joint Declaration on future of energy efficiency in Energy Community

21 February 2019 - Members of parliament (MPs) from the Energy Community (EnC) contracting parties in South-East Europe (SEE),...

Western Balkan coal power plants are health, economic liability for entire Europe – environmental organizations

19 February 2019 - Sixteen outdated coal power plants in the Western Balkans are a public health and economic...

Call for energy solutions (PoWER Project): March 4 set as submission deadline

19 February 2019 - Within the project PoWER (Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm), a call for solutions...

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