
Small hydropower plants project stuck with deadline nigh

06 May 2015 - Zorana Mihajlović, Serbian vice premier and minister for construction and infrastructure, said the development of small...

Poor predictability makes RES unattractive to investors

06 May 2015 - The Romanian renewable energy sources (RES) sector is unattractive to investors, said representatives of the...

Hellenic Wind Energy Association joins GWEC

05 May 2015 - Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) welcomed the Hellenic Wind Energy Association (HWEA) as a new...


EPS invites expressions of interest for consultancy

04 May 2015 - Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) said it seeks an environmental expert and independent engineer...

Heating market emerging, but needs policy support

29 April 2015 - Heinz Kopetz, World Bioenergy Association president In the Balkan countries and in Turkey the energy...

Government cancels contracts for 30 hydro plants

24 April 2015 - Licenses for the construction and use of 30 power plants throughout Albania were cancelled by...

BiH among world leaders in power production from renewables

BiH among world leaders in power production from renewables

24 April 2015 - According to State Electricity Regulatory Commission’s data, 16.3 TWh of electric power was generated in...

Expertise, know-how, innovation at Renexpo trade fair

24 April 2015 - The second RENEXPO Western Balkans, a two-day trade fair with accompanying conferences, was held in Belexpocentar in Belgrade.

Legal battle won for 33 wind parks plan of 1.08 GW in Crete

17 April 2015 - Council of State, the supreme administrative court, gave the temporary go-ahead and opened the way...

Pramoritsa hydropower plant commenced trial run phase

17 April 2015 - D.Y. Pra. AE, operator of small hydropower system Pramoritsa in western Greece, started the test...

Project discussed for biomass usage in heating in Prijepolje

Project discussed for biomass usage in heating in Prijepolje

17 April 2015 - Introducing biomass for district heating in Prijepolje through a EUR 100 million credit line to...


Hydro giant’s anniversary during production record

17 April 2015 - Hydroelectric power station Iron Gate 2 (Đerdap 2) on the Danube started generating power 30...

VIP regional agency took part in Vienna finance forum

17 April 2015 - Vojvodina Investment Promotion, Serbia’s autonomous province’s agency, participated in Amstad Global’s conference Project Finance in...

Juwi establishes its first photovoltaic project in Turkey

16 April 2015 - The German Juwi Group said construction is underway in the company’s first project in Turkey....

University of Cyprus aims at energy autonomy

16 April 2015 - The construction of research park Apollo is going to start soon, and the project shall...

Power market and renewables laws in the pipeline

15 April 2015 - Croatian Economy Ministry carried out public consultation for the new Law on Renewable Energy Sources...

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