
Slovaks to build pellet production plant in Macedonia

09 February 2017 - The Slovak company Holz-consulting will build a plant for the production of fuel pellet from...

EPS invites tenders for rehabilitation of seven small hydro plants

09 February 2017 - Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) is inviting sealed tenders from contractors for the rehabilitation...

EUR 180 million invested in RES projects in Montenegro

08 February 2017 - Ministry of Economy of Montenegro has announced that the total value of investments in renewable...

EBRD funds renewables in Greece with EUR 300 million

07 February 2017 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  (EBRD) announced the establishment of an investment framework...

Concession granted for construction of five small hydro power plants in FBiH

07 February 2017 - Five small hydro power plants (SHPPs) with a total capacity of 3,5 MW will be...

Croatia almost not using allocated EU funds for energy efficiency and renewables

07 February 2017 - Croatia is using only a fraction of EUR 531,8 million worth EU financing package allocated for...

Croatian chamber of agriculture holds seminar on agro-biomass

06 February 2017 - Croatian chamber of agriculture held a seminar on the topic of “Alternative use of waste...

Albania adopts law on promotion of energy from renewables

03 February 2017 - The Parliament of Albania passed the Law on Promotion of the Use of Energy from...

UNECE publishes report on nexus assessment of Sava River Basin resources

03 February 2017 - Coordinating assessment of water, energy and agricultural needs among riparian countries is the key to...

Enel: Romanian energy crisis will hit the renewables sector

03 February 2017 - The energy crisis in Romania will imminently hit the renewable energy sector, said Georgios Stassis,...

EU on track to meet 2020 climate and energy targets

02 February 2017 - The second report on the State of the Energy Union shows that the energy transition...

Greek energy companies interested in renewable energy projects

01 February 2017 - The Serbia-Greece business forum, held yesterday in Belgrade, gathered  59 Greek and about a hundred...

Montenegro increased tariff for renewables and high-efficiency cogeneration

01 February 2017 - Montenegro increased the tariff subsidy for electricity from renewable energy sources and high efficiency cogeneration...

Issa Grotto Hill House – energy self-sufficient house on Vis island

30 January 2017 - Issa Grotto Hill House, a sustainable retreat on the Croatian island of Vis, was declared...

Pavlidis Marble-Granite to invest EUR 70 million in four wind farms

30 January 2017 - Greek company Pavlidis Marble-Granite will invest EUR 70 million in renewable energy in the next...

Greek energy companies at Serbia-Greece Business Forum

27 January 2017 - During the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras’ visit to Belgrade a Serbia-Greece Business Forum will...

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