Energy Efficiency

GGF Partners with Mikrofin to boost energy efficiency in households, small enterprises

15 March 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has partnered with Mikrofin to encourage energy efficiency measures...

Ministry announces EUR 2.7 million public call for energy efficiency projects

14 March 2019 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy has announced a public call to allocate RSD 325...

MPs of North Macedonia discussing tasks and challenges under chapters 15 and 27 of EU law

14 March 2019 - Bringing together parliamentarians of the Republic of North Macedonia, representatives of the Ministry for Economy...

District heating as the future of urban heating in Europe – Novi Sad Heating Plant leads by example

12 March 2019 - Author: Dušan Macura, head of heat production and distribution at Novi Sad Heating Plant (Novosadska...

GGF Impact Stories: Helping Serbia increase energy savings

11 March 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) supports sustainable energy finance and green energy projects through...

EEO Scheme Model developed for BiH, energy efficiency investment potential estimated at EUR 2.55 billion

11 March 2019 - The Energy Efficiency Obligation (EEO) Scheme Model for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), developed by the...

City of Belgrade to offer 100 public buildings to improve energy efficiency under ESCO model

06 March 2019 - The City of Belgrade will offer around 100 public building to investors to improve energy...

MVP Plus Kick-off Work-shop in Podgorica

28 February 2019 - The GIZ ORF-EE held its MVP Plus Kick-off Work-shop in Podgorica, Montenegro from 26 to...

Ljubljana wins European Energy Service Award with Resalta and Petrol, NEWLIGHT scoops recognition award

28 February 2019 - The City of Ljubljana, together with Slovenian energy service company (ESCO) Resalta and energy company...

GGF extends EUR 1 million to LIDER to on-lend for energy efficiency, small renewable energy equipment

27 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), an impact investment fund advised by Finance in Motion,...

Akuo Energy unveils Grubišno Polje cogeneration plant

25 February 2019 - The Energostatik cogeneration plant in Grubišno Polje, a EUR 34 million investment by France’s Akuo...

Podgorica, Slovenia’s Javna Razsvetljava sign public lighting modernization deal

22 February 2019 - The City of Podgorica has signed a EUR 4.7 million agreement on public lighting reconstruction...

SEE parliamentarians prepare Joint Declaration on future of energy efficiency in Energy Community

21 February 2019 - Members of parliament (MPs) from the Energy Community (EnC) contracting parties in South-East Europe (SEE),...

GGF extends EUR 10 million to Ohridska to on-lend for renewable energy, energy efficiency projects

21 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has announced its second senior facility of EUR 10...

Croatia planning energy efficiency measures for households, transport

20 February 2019 - The energy efficiency action plan recently adopted by the Croatian government envisages measures to reduce...

Call for energy solutions (PoWER Project): March 4 set as submission deadline

19 February 2019 - Within the project PoWER (Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm), a call for solutions...

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