
Green bridges across roads and highways saving bears, lynxes, wolves

Green bridges across roads and highways saving bears, lynxes, wolves

27 May 2020 - Infrastructure must be planned and adapted in a way to enable connectivity between areas inhabited...


Towards greener agenda for Western Balkans

22 May 2020 - “Western Balkans hosts rich biodiversity, including many threatened, rare and endemic species, and relatively large...

Interdependence of human well-being and biodiversity

Interdependence of human well-being and biodiversity

22 May 2020 - How much do we know about benefits that biodiversity provides us day-to-day? Or do we...


Guidelines on ecosystem services, their assessment and evaluation in Western Balkans

21 May 2020 - Author: Nikola Stojnić, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Serbia On the occasion of...

nature's health biodiversity day

Our health depends on nature’s health – on May 22 world marks its biodiversity day

19 May 2020 - The slogan for the International Day for Biological Diversity 2020 is “Our solutions are in...

demand EU's green recovery COVID-19

Over 1.2 million people in Europe request green post-COVID-19 recovery

18 May 2020 - The European Parliament passed a resolution urging the EU’s authorities to put citizens at the...


Preventing illegal wildlife trade helps avoid zoonotic diseases

15 May 2020 - COVID-19 is a deadly zoonotic disease and there is an urgent need to reduce the...

Public consultation policy small hydropower Energy Community

Public consultation starts for policy on small hydropower in Energy Community

14 May 2020 - Widespread concerns and criticism over the impact of hydropower on nature and the quality of...

Shar Planina conservation values feature

Shar Planina conservation values

28 April 2020 - Author: Frosina Pandurska-Dramikjanin, Macedonian Ecological Society Shar Planina is situated in the furthest north-western part...

BIH ecosystem services assessment

Ecosystem services – nature’s contributions to people

17 April 2020 - In the past decades, and especially after the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the term ecosystem...

Bats are remarkably useful for humans and nature

Bats are remarkably useful for humans and nature – don’t hurt them!

10 April 2020 - Bats are getting more bad reputation after the outbreak of COVID-19 on top of ancient...

Environmental risks economy sustainable development Danko Kalkan feature

Environmental risks are biggest threat to world economy

31 March 2020 - Author: Danko Kalkan, Green Finance and Environmental Management Expert Climate change, intensive resource use and...

BIMR Regional platform approves draft BIMR Policy Paper for 2020-2050

27 March 2020 - Biodiversity information management and reporting (BIMR) Regional platform has approved the draft BIMR Policy Paper...

Earth Hour 2020: Turn lights of for our planet on March 28 at 20:30

Earth Hour 2020 – Turn lights off for our planet on March 28 at 20:30

26 March 2020 - The annual Earth Hour event is on Saturday evening but without any gatherings due to...


March 21 is International Day of Forests: Home to 80% of all terrestrial species

20 March 2020 - The global celebration of forests – March 21 has been declared to be the International...

biodiversity loss coronavirus

How biodiversity loss is hurting our ability to combat pandemics

16 March 2020 - The increasing frequency of disease outbreaks is linked to climate change and biodiversity loss. The...

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