22 July 2022 - Pope Francis called on the world's nations to work together for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement
08 July 2022 - The Earth Overshoot Day for 2022, the date when humanity spends all the planet's renewable resources for one year, lands on July 28
22 May 2022 - This year’s slogan of the International Day for Biological Diversity celebrated on May 22nd is...
11 May 2022 - Online platform SparkBlue is open until May 20 to all those who wish to join...
06 May 2022 - There was 15 kilos of plastic in the stomach of a beaked whale carcass found on Rhodes, highlighting the risk from plastic waste on animals and people
07 April 2022 - The EU is about to formally adopt a EUR 6.3 billion grant package for Bulgaria as the European Commission finally endorsed its recovery and resilience plan
03 March 2022 - Rhinos, gorillas, orangutans, and elephants are among 10 animals critically endangered in the world right now, according to the WWF
31 December 2021 - Dundee intends to open a gold mine and exploit ore using cyanide. Environmental and local associations are explicitly against it.
08 September 2021 - Nearly 40,000 species out of almost 140,000 on the updated IUCN Red List are threatened with extinction. The Komodo dragon's position has worsened.
23 July 2021 - The new EU Forest Strategy includes roadmap to increase the number of trees grown per year from 300 million to 600 million.
08 June 2021 - Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said most concession contracts for small hydropower plants in North Macedonia would be annulled regardless of possible litigation
28 May 2021 - Integrated management of water, energy, and land resources, while protecting ecosystems, remains a substantial challenge in the Western Balkans.
20 May 2021 - People are concerned how mankind treats nature, they are changing their behavior, and demanding stronger action to protect the planet.
18 May 2021 - You can opt for simple solutions for your balcony or around the house that will contribute to the hard work of bees and bumblebees
10 May 2021 - North Macedonia made Lake Ohrid and the Studenchishte marsh its third and largest area on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance
25 February 2021 - Burying power lines and temporarily shutting down wind turbines are among measures that can reduce the danger for birds and bats, IUCN says