
Climate Diplomacy Week in Belgrade: Apply to showcase your climate action project

04 September 2018 - Climate Diplomacy Week, a time when EU Delegations around the world reach out to communities...

List of selected endemic terrestrial plant and animal taxa of South-East Europe

02 August 2018 - Support for developing the List of Selected Endemic Terrestrial Plant and Animal Taxa of South-East...

Earth Overshoot Day 2018 – Slovenia has region’s largest ecological footprint

31 July 2018 - August 1 marks this year’s Earth Overshoot Day, the day when humanity’s annual demand on...


Piloting Global Biodiversity Information Facility – GIZ collaboration on biodiversity data mobilization: Case of Open Regional Fund – Biodiversity in South-East Europe

27 July 2018 - Author: Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) In September 2017, a chance...

Gender Based Review of Key National Biodiversity Related Strategies, Reports in South-East Europe

03 July 2018 - ORF Biodiversity (ORF-BD) is presenting its new publication, the Gender Based Review of the Key...

Environment and biodiversity working groups meet back to back in Skopje

26 June 2018 - Conservation of biological diversity is a specific, yet crucial, part of the wider all-encompassing umbrella...

GIZ and Partners mark World Environment Day in Sarajevo, Subotica and Belgrade

13 June 2018 - The German development organization GIZ, marked the World Environment Day on June 05 with parallel...

EIB provides EUR 15 million to HBOR for biodiversity improvement

01 June 2018 - European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided EUR 15 million to Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and...

Nature is treated as if it were an unlimited resource

25 May 2018 - Despite biodiversity’s essential value for economic sectors such as forestry, agriculture, tourism, and fisheries, and...

Study looks into Neretva, Trebišnjica river basins’ regional economic impact

17 May 2018 - The Neretva and Trebišnjica river basins are of critical economic significance for three economies and...

Paper: Valuing biodiversity assets through ecotourism in SEE – trans-boundary region of Sharr/ Korab-Koritnik/ Mavrovo mountain areas

14 May 2018 - The working paper “Valuing biodiversity assets through ecotourism in South-East Europe – A review of...

Biodiversity: Second publication BIMR Regional Guidelines now available

Biodiversity: Second publication BIMR Regional Guidelines now available

19 March 2018 - The Open Regional Funds for South-East Europe – Biodiversity project (ORF-BD), funded by the German...

Open call for Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships 2018

Open call for Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships 2018

12 March 2018 - The EUROPARC Federation, with support from the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., has issued an open...

GIZ Interactive Platform

GIZ Regional Projects for Energy Efficiency and Biodiversity to launch Interactive Platform

01 December 2017 - Working on reforms in the areas of energy efficiency, climate change mitigation and biodiversity in...

Major potential seen in green economy, synergy of all sectors needed

16 November 2017 - A major potential is seen in the green economy in Serbia, calling for an interdisciplinary...

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