
Balkan Green Energy News

EnC Contracting Parties supported by GIZ ORF-EE in preparation of First Energy Efficiency Annual Reports

11 July 2017 - The Energy Efficiency Coordination Group Meeting (EECG), which was held on June 28 in Vienna,...

Austrian Strabag withdraws from HPP Vranduk project in Bosnia and Herzegovina

11 July 2017 - Austrian Strabag AG has decided to withdraw from the project of construction of the hydropower...

Startups from the Balkans may apply for Innoenergy competition for innovations in sustainable energy

11 July 2017 - The Innoenergy company is organizing its PowerUp! Competition for projects in the field of sustainable...

iBROAD project kicks off with aim to become driver for deep building renovation

10 July 2017 - iBROAD, a new project funded by the Horizon 2020 European program, has been launched with...

10 hydro power plants to be privatized in Turkey during summer

10 July 2017 - Turkey has decided to privatize 10 hydro power plants (HPP) with total capacity of 256.4...

Memorandum of cooperation on construction of HPP Buk Bijela signed

10 July 2017 - The Government of the Republic of Srpska (RS) and the China National Aero-Technology International Engineering...

Italian Enel starts to build largest wind power complex in Greece

08 July 2017 - Italian Enel, through its Greek renewables subsidiary Enel Green Power Hellas (EGPH), has started construction...

Tender for co-financing of smart electricity meters in Slovenia

07 July 2017 - The Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure published a tender for the co-financing of smart electricity meters...

Bosnian power exchange to be established with seat in Mostar

07 July 2017 - Croatian power exchange CROPEX and Bosnian power utility, Elektroprivreda HZ Herceg Bosne (EPHZHB), have expressed support...

Minister Trivan: cooperation with CSOs and media very important for reaching environmental goals

07 July 2017 - Serbia can make a big leap both in practice and political aspect in the field...

Republic of Srpska waiting for waste management strategy

06 July 2017 - The draft Strategy on waste management has been submitted to the Republika of Srpska Parliament...

Final Facilitating multi-level governance for Energy Efficiency (multEE) project conference held in Vienna

06 July 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE), in collaboration with...

Slovenia supports district heating projects based on renewables with EUR 8 million grant

05 July 2017 - The Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia has published a call for co-financing of district heating...

New state secretaries appointed at Croatian Ministry of Environment and Energy

05 July 2017 - The Government of Croatia has appointed Ivo Milatić and Mile Horvat as state secretaries at...


49 percent of energy savings achieved after reconstruction of public buildings in Montenegro

05 July 2017 - The annual consumption of energy dropped by 49 percent in most of the buildings reconstructed...

Đuro Đaković in charge of construction of first geothermal power plant in Croatia

04 July 2017 - Croatian group Đuro Đaković has signed EUR 9.6 million deal for the construction of a geothermal...

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