First ELEN charger for electric vehicles installed in Rijeka

21 February 2017 - Croatian national energy company Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) installed the first ELEN charger for electric vehicles...

Electricity suppliers in Croatia demand market prices

06 December 2016 - Electricity suppliers in Croatia demand from the Government to ensure the purchase of electricity from...

Croatian HEP wins auction for transfer of electricity from renewables in Slovenia

03 December 2016 - Croatian state-owned utility company Hrvatska elektropivreda d.d. (HEP) has won the auction in Slovenia for...

HEP books rise in profit in six months through June

09 September 2016 - Unaudited financial reports for the first half of the year showed Croatian government-owned power utility...


HEP installs equipment in two cogeneration plants

11 August 2016 - The installation of major equipment in Hep Group’s first combined heat and power (CHP) plants on forest...


Zagreb gets first ultra-fast solar car charging station

14 July 2016 - In front of the City Administration of Zagreb building, on Stjepan Radić Square, HEP Group...

HRT buys HEP’s green energy again

13 July 2016 - HEP Group, Croatian government-owned power utility, said it agreed with Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) for the...

Petrol sells stake in Gen-I to Gen-EL

22 June 2016 - IG energetski sistemi (IGES) d.o.o., part of Petrol Group, agreed to accept EUR 45.1 million...

HoSt receives EUR 20 million order for two CHP plants

16 April 2015 - Croatian electricity company HEP said it signed a deal for the construction of a combined...

State property chief announces IPO for 25% stake in HEP

14 April 2015 - The Government of Croatia plans to organize an initial public offering (IPO) for a 25%...

HEP pushes projects for electric cars, chargers

08 April 2015 - National electricity company HEP Group presented new electric vehicles in its fleet to reporters together...

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