Turkey sets roadmap to smart grids, plan worth over EUR 4 billion

Croatia launches project to upgrade power grid

11 May 2018 - The Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy published an advertisement for the direct allocation...

Public call for allocation of funds for ZelEn’s product fee

02 March 2018 - Croatian public utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) and HEP Opskrba (HEP Supply) have announced a public...

Croatian Government appointed new HEP’s Supervisory Board

12 December 2017 - General Shareholders Assembly of the public power utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) elected new Supervisory Board,...

Croatia’s HEP to supply two Serbia’s cities with electricity

27 November 2017 - Croatian public utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) should start supplying electricity to the Serbian city of...

El-To Zagreb

HEP to hire consultant for EL-TO Zagreb upgrade project

21 November 2017 - European bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and Croatia’s Public utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) issued...

NEXT-E project to provide 252 chargers for electric vehicles until 2020

15 November 2017 - By the end of 2020 Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Romania will get...

Croatian HEP to get hydropower plants back prior to partial privatization

28 August 2017 - The Croatian government has put up for public debate its draft law on waters that...

Croatian HEP and French EDF want to establish cooperation in smart meters area

15 August 2017 - Croatian electric power company, Hrvatska elektropriveda (HEP), plans to strengthen cooperation with French power company...

Romanian and Croatian governments announce IPO of state power utilities

08 August 2017 - Romanian and Croatian governments have announced plans to initiate IPOs of their state-owned power utilities,...

252 new charging stations for electric vehicles in Central Europe thanks to NEXT-E project

04 July 2017 - The European Commission has approved co-funding of the NEXT-E project which foresees setting up of...

EUR 40 million funding provided for smart grids project connecting Slovenian and Croatian electricity grids

23 May 2017 - EU is to provide EUR 40 million funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for SINCO.GRID,...

Electric vehicles in Serbia – Slovenia as a role-model, Croatia bad example

29 April 2017 - Serbia records neither incentives nor necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles. Private sector’s initiatives could be...

Green certificates for two HEP hydropower plants

21 March 2017 - Croatian energy regulatory body (HERA), assigned green certificate to two hydropower plants of Croatian state-owned...

Hydropower potential Croatia’s best chance for more energy independence

14 March 2017 - Hydropower potential is Croatia’s best chance for more energy independence, concluded the participants of the...

Power production and distribution companies in the Balkan region – governments still in charge

14 March 2017 - By Vladimir Spasić, energy journalist and analyst It is not just that the governments in the...

SINCRO.GRID project to secure regional electricity supply

21 February 2017 - Four Slovenian and Croatian transmission and distribution system operators (TSOs and DSOs) are implementing the...

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