
Montenegrin Government to invite offers for solar plant project

Local company developing 180 MW solar power plant project in Bulgaria

05 September 2017 - The town of Devnya, in the northeast of Bulgaria, has undertaken steps to prepare ground...

Bulgaria starts making waste repository for old nuclear reactors

01 September 2017 - The Bulgarian government has started the construction of a radioactive waste repository to store low...

Clear air and emission abatement solutions wanted for Bulgarian capital

28 August 2017 - The Bulgarian capital Sofia is looking to attract innovative solutions from the global clean-tech community...

UPDATE: Green light for selling of IBEX to Bulgarian Stock Exchange

15 August 2017 -  Article from August 10 updated with new information.  State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has got...

Sofia’s transport company plans to procure electric buses and install charging stations

11 August 2017 - Sofia Electrical Transport Company plans to acquire electric buses and install charging infrastructure in the...

Additional European Commission funding approved for Croatian geothermal plant

19 June 2017 - The European Commission decided that Croatia’s first geothermal power plant can apply for additional funding...

Spanish Ingeteam opens subsidiary in Bulgaria to provide services to renewables market

13 June 2017 - Spanish company Ingeteam, specialized in power technologies and operation and maintenance services, has opened a...

EVN suspends construction of hydropower plants in Bulgaria

04 March 2017 - Austrian energy company EVN suspended its plans for the implementation of a 170 MW hydropower...

Bulgaria might lose project funding due to public procurement complaints

28 February 2017 - Bulgaria is facing the risk of losing funds for the implementation of two environmental projects,...

Bulgarian NEK and Austrian EVN agree on debt settlement

16 February 2017 - Austrian energy company EVN and the Bulgarian National Electricity Company (NEK) reached an agreement to...

Aytos to build waste water treatment plant for EUR 7.6 million

15 February 2017 - The town of Aytos in Bulgaria announced a tender for the construction of a waste...

Nikolay Pavlov named Bulgarian minister of energy

01 February 2017 - Further liberalization of the electricity market and diversification of sources and routes of energy resources...

GS-Solar plans to build a panel factory in Bulgaria

23 January 2017 - Chinese solar panel manufacturer GS-Solar plans to invest in a new manufacturing plant in Bulgaria,...

Bulgarian and Chinese companies to build waste-to-energy plants in UK

25 November 2016 - The Bulgarian-based company Ebioss Energy signed a deal with Energy China to build two waste-to-energy...

Ecopack Bulgaria’s new glass sorting installation launched

23 November 2016 - The waste recovering company Ecopack Bulgaria began using the new equipment for sorting glass packaging...

Bulgarian ESO plans to add 1,4 GW renewable energy by 2025

24 October 2016 - Bulgarian Electricity system operator (ESO/TSO) announced 1,8 GW boost in power generation capacity for a...

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