
waste management

Environmentalists support waste management plan

03 August 2016 - Seven environmental groups endorsed the draft 2016-2022 Waste Management Plan which the Ministry of Environment and Nature...


Landfill for Subotica region to be finished next year

01 August 2016 - One of the largest construction sites in Serbia lies between Bikovo and Oromo, in North...


Rehabilitation of landfill Meka underway

29 July 2016 - Workers came to waste landfill Meka at Ludbreg, a town in the northern part of...


EU finds Croatia infringes rules on waste

22 July 2016 - The European Commission is requesting Croatia to bring its national law into full conformity with...


EBRD, FAO produce study on use of animal waste

08 July 2016 - A study on the possibilities to utilize animal by-products was presented in Belgrade at the...


Rehabilitation starts at landfill Teodorovac

08 July 2016 - Landfill for non-hazardous waste Teodorovac is located close to family houses. The rehabilitation of the...


EU standards for product design to ease recycling

07 July 2016 - Amendments to European Union rules in the waste management sector will affect the way products...


Belgrade puts first recycling yard into operation

06 July 2016 - As a part of the waste management plan, which is being implemented by the City...

Romania waste management

Environment ministry funding waste management

04 July 2016 - The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests is utilizing a financing line of RON 100 million (EUR 22.3 million)...

Gradual tightening of environmental rules is beneficial

30 June 2016 - Implementation of targets for separate collection of packaging waste in municipalities is the direction for...

IFC assisting in waste sector, sustainable cities

28 June 2016 - A roundtable brought together international and local waste management companies, the nation’s metropolitan municipalities and the Ministry...

Waste management plan undergoing public consultation

23 June 2016 - The Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection published the plan for waste management through 2020...

China may finance incinerator, wastewater treatment

18 June 2016 - During the state visit of China’s president Xi Jinping, who brought a big business delegation...

Four fifths of construction waste is recyclable

16 June 2016 - There is a hidden resource for new industrialization. Participants at a round table at the...

Romania losing 100 million tonnes of waste per year

09 June 2016 - Agriculture is the biggest source of waste in Romania that could be turned to energy,...

Tešanj starts collecting small electronic waste

02 June 2016 - Mayor Suad Huskić, principals of nine primary and three secondary schools in the municipality of...

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