
Vladimir Spasić

Tendering for 4 wind farms launched, ceiling price set at USD 0.055/kWh

08 November 2018 - Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Ministry has launched tendering for the construction of four wind...

Croatian, Greek, Irish islands selected for EU energy transition pilot project

08 November 2018 - Croatia’s Cres-Lošinj archipelago, including the Cres, Lošinj, Susak, and Ilovik islands, as well as the...

Hidroelectrica to invest EUR 1.19 billion over the next five years, to add 200 MW in renewables capacities

07 November 2018 - State-owned power utility Hidroelectrica plans to invest RON 5.56 billion (EUR 1.19 billion) over the...

Electricity prices in Energy Community rise 11% for households, decline 19% for industry in last four years – ACER

07 November 2018 - In the period between 2013 and 2017, the average electricity price for households in the...

EUR 642,000 worth of contracts signed for retrofits of three schools in Sarajevo Canton

06 November 2018 - As part of the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina project, implemented by the Ministry...

Deadline in tendering for last resort supplier expires on November 8

06 November 2018 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia has launched tendering for...

Green Economy Congress: Green and sustainable development in Serbia is possible

02 November 2018 - The second international Green Economy Congress titled Shaping Synergies into a Circular Society brought together leaders...

Solar helps University of Virginia save USD 1 million annually – find out how

02 November 2018 - The University of Virginia (UVA) has saved USD 1 million per year by using solar...

CGES, KfW sign EUR 20 million loan agreement for Luštica transmission project

01 November 2018 - Montenegrin transmission system operator (TSO) Crnogorski Elektroprenosni Sistem (CGES) and German development bank KfW have...

Energy Community report calls on Member States to finish reforms in order to succeed in clean energy transition

31 October 2018 - The Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report concludes that the average implementation score of...

Macedonia, Montenegro among only 16 countries to set climate targets to meet pledges under Paris Agreement

30 October 2018 - FYR Macedonia and Montenegro are among 16 countries out of 197 parties to the Paris...

Cadastre of Mining Waste project to help Serbia supervise mining waste management

30 October 2018 - The Cadastre of Mining Waste will help Serbia supervise mining waste management, as it will...

HEP Group to invest EUR 780 million in power networks by 2021

29 October 2018 - Croatian power utility Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP Group) will invest HRK 4 billion (EUR 537 million)...

Italy’s PLC to acquire 51% of Romania’s Monsson Operation

29 October 2018 - Italian clean energy group PLC and Romanian renewable energy company Monsson Operation have entered into...

Fresh tendering planned for development of renewable energy sources – PM

26 October 2018 - Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković has announced fresh tendering procedures for the leasing of state...

Hidroelectrica, Verbund sign memorandum of cooperation

25 October 2018 - The largest electricity producers in Romania and Austria, Hidroelectrica and Verbund, have signed a memorandum...

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