
DIVE’s second hydro facility in Croatia set into operation

01 May 2016 - Hydropower plant Klipić, located at river Sunja 100 kilometers southeast of Zagreb, was launched with a...

Crisis alerted firms, citizens about wasting of energy

01 May 2016 - In the three-day congress held last month in Nicosia, gathering more than 800 participants from...

Understanding energy efficiency investments – a global perspective

25 February 2016 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna This article is part of a series...

Is leasing of wind turbines feasible in Serbia?

28 January 2016 - By Đorđe Popović, Senior Attorney and Marija Marošan, Attorney-at-Law, Petrikić & Partneri AOD in cooperation...

The big green challenge: can we change fast enough?

23 December 2015 - By Maja Turković, Energy Consultant, co-author of the CIRSD study ’A Roadmap for Deploying Renewable...

Agricultural biomass in the Western Balkans

27 August 2015 - Authors are members of Serbian National Association SERBIO: Vojislav Milijić, president, Tomislav Micović, vice-president and...

Sustainable Energy Initiative mainstreams renewables

25 June 2015 - Under the framework of its Sustainable Energy Initiative, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

Energy intensive businesses pay smaller renewables fees?

18 May 2015 - The government prepares a new decree about incentives for energy from renewable sources, which will...

University of Cyprus aims at energy autonomy

16 April 2015 - The construction of research park Apollo is going to start soon, and the project shall...

Power market and renewables laws in the pipeline

15 April 2015 - Croatian Economy Ministry carried out public consultation for the new Law on Renewable Energy Sources...

Smart grids could be Europe’s shale gas

02 April 2015 - Infrastructure for balancing intermittent solar and wind energy with flexible power demand could do for...

Renewables alter market game

01 April 2015 - More energy generated at the distribution level, from renewable sources, is requiring a system overhaul...

Sustainable Growth from Biomass conference with guests from Finland

26 March 2015 - The most important mechanisms for opening the Serbian market for biomass are in the recently...

EnerTech Balkans convenes wind and hydro experts and managers

25 March 2015 - Third annual two-day EnerTech Balkans conference and exhibition was organized in Belgrade’s Hyatt hotel and...

Workshop held about study on industrial application

24 March 2015 - Results of the Study on Industrial Application of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and results...

Renewable power producers’ capacity rises to 516 MW

05 March 2015 - Subsidies provided by the Slovenian government to green power producers rose by 10 % on...

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