20 June 2019 - In May, Malaysia joined China in banning waste imports, a move that will put more...
19 April 2019 - The cities of Zagreb and Novska and the Zagreb waste management center have signed an...
04 March 2019 - In the second in a series of interviews on waste management with representatives of state...
19 February 2019 - Serbia has handed the second draft negotiating position for chapter 27 to the European Commission,...
17 January 2019 - A total of 1.2 million waste sorting bins for biodegradable waste (paper, cardboard and biowaste)...
27 September 2018 - The development of the circular economy is a priority for the Croatian government, and the...
15 June 2018 - Waste management company Snaga’s project to sort mixed municipal waste for recycling at a facility...
30 May 2018 - Serbia’s cement industry is interested in co-processing significant amounts of different types of waste, which...
19 April 2018 - The European Parliament has approved the European Union’s Circular Economy Package (CEP), backing higher recycling...
03 November 2017 - In Croatia, separate collection of waste will be mandatory in the future. The Decree on...
06 September 2017 - An agreement to launch a project to develop the system of separate waste collection for...
11 August 2017 - Article from August 9 updated with new information. Minister of Environmental Protection of Serbia Goran...
14 July 2017 - One offer from the French-Japanese consortium Suez-Itochu has been received for public-private partnership contract for...
01 April 2017 - Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy announced the first public call for waste management...