
EU wind power growth must double to match Green Deal terms: report

EU wind power Green Deal terms

Photo: Gary Cunliffe from Pixabay


February 19, 2020


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February 19, 2020


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Turkey was first in the region last year in new and cumulative capacity, the size of successful tenders and new asset financing. EU saw the share of wind power as primary source jump to 15% in 2019.

Data obtained by WindEurope showed the installed wind power capacity in the continent reached 205 GW last year, of which 192 GW was in the European Union including Britain. The EU added 13.2 GW in wind power or 15.4 GW with the other countries, but 172 MW was decommissioned, lowering the net increase. Growth strengthened 27% and 31% from 2018, respectively, but less than the all-time high that was registered in 2017.

Investors are not installing enough of the turbines in question to match the trade bloc’s 2050 goal, set at half of all output, said Giles Dickson. He referred to the European Green Deal. The industry group’s chief executive stressed the boost must include offshore facilities.

EU wind power growth must double to match Green Deal terms: report

“That requires a new approach to planning and permitting and continued investment in power grids. The national energy and climate plans for 2030 are crucial here. The EU needs to ensure they’re ambitious and rigorously implemented,” in his words.

EU experiences rise in share of wind as primary source of power

Wind accounted for 15% of sources of the electricity consumed in the 28 member countries, rising one percentage point on a rounded basis, according to the report. Denmark led with a stunning 48% and Ireland was next – 33%. Total output came in at 417 TWh.

The United Kingdom topped the list with 2.4 GW of new capacity, followed by 2.3 GW in Spain.

EU wind power growth must double to match Green Deal terms: report

Turkey leads by far in Southeastern Europe

Among the markets tracked by Balkan Green Energy News, Turkey was first in terms of new and cumulative capacity – 686 MW and 8.1 GW, respectively, in the size of successful tenders (1 GW), investment (EUR 1.1 billion) and new capacity financed: EUR 900 million.

In the group, Greece was heading the chart in the percentage of the electricity demand covered by wind. It landed at a rounded 12%. The country achieved a record 727 MW in new capacity, lifting the total to 3.6 GW.

Wind met 12% of demand for electricity in Greece while Turkey lagged on a regional basis

Three tenders were completed in 2019 in Greece, where floating feed-in premiums are the support mechanism. Investors pledged to mount 471 MW and the sales price was between EUR 55.8 and EUR 69.2 per MWh. In Turkey, the feed-in tariff was set at EUR 31 to EUR 40. However, the operators also count on local content price premiums.

Total capacity in Balkans reaches 18.6 GW

In terms of entire capacity, Romania is third in the region, at 3 GW. All the remaining markets have 2.2 GW together. Southeastern Europe reached 18.6 GW, according to available information, which could be incomplete, as some new wind farms may have not been included.

Romania met 11% of its demand from the power plant class or one point less than Greece. Other Balkan countries in the list are Croatia, 8%, Turkey, 7%, Cyprus, 6%, and Bulgaria – 3%.

Wind, solar overtake coal

Earlier, Sandbag and Agora Energiewende measured an annual rise in the share of renewables in electricity generation in the EU by 1.8 points to a record 34.6% and highlighted the strongest drop in greenhouse gas emissions since 1990. It compares to 39.9% for fossil fuels, which retreated by two whole points.

The report for the EU showed the combination of wind power and photovoltaic capacity overtook coal for the first time as primary electricity source. The shares were 17.6% against 14.6%, a drastic change from 2018, when they were 15.5% and 19%, respectively.

EnAppSys found the renewables’ share surpassed all fossil fuels

Power output from renewable sources was actually 1% down year on year on an overall basis, EnAppSys found. But its methodology put the share of renewables in electricity output at 37.5% against 34.3% for fossil fuels, which means the former came in stronger for the first time in 2019.

The change reflects the coal phaseout, researchers say. Production from fossil fuels apparently dropped 10% as energy transition is speeding up.

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