
IRENA tailors renewable energy Action Plan for the SEE region

IRENA tailors renewable energy Action Plan for the SEE region

11 October 2016 - The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will work closely with South East European (SEE) regional...

50 green projects in Romania received EUR 54 million

07 October 2016 - 50 Romanian companies and NGOs received total of EUR 54 million from private financing and...

Romania’s energy consumption rose by 9.2 %

23 September 2016 - Romania’s total electric energy consumption in January – July period increased by 9.2 % compared...

State mulls scrapping development of 1 GW hydro plant

10 September 2016 - The government in Bucharest is considering the option to abandoning a renewable energy project worth...

Sigurec – the innovative collection infrastructure

24 August 2016 - In Romania, Sigurec is an acronym meaning “for sure recycled, for sure economical.” This is...

EPS solar wind

Emon Electric sold to EnComm

18 August 2016 - Swedish-based wind energy and photovoltaic project developer Monsson Group said it sold Emon Electric from...


Enel wins case brought on by government

03 August 2016 - The Arbitration Court in Paris ruled against Romania’s state energy holdings administration company SAPE SA...


Electrica awards contract to SAP without tender

03 August 2016 - Power supplier and distributor Electrica Group signed a deal worth EUR 5.2 million with SAP...


Regulator approves EUR 1.2 billion investment in grid

02 August 2016 - Electricity transmission company Transelectrica SA said the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) gave the go-ahead...


EIB sets EUR 360 million for co-financing with EU funds

15 July 2016 - Romanian Partnership Agreement with the European Union for the 2014-2020 programming period will be supported...

Romania waste management

Environment ministry funding waste management

04 July 2016 - The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests is utilizing a financing line of RON 100 million (EUR 22.3 million)...

Green power capacity falls 9.5% in four months

30 June 2016 - Romania saw the production capacity for electricity from renewable sources decrease by 9.5% or 489...


Hidroelectrica exits insolvency, preparing IPO

27 June 2016 - The biggest privatisation in Romania’s history is underway after the main court in Bucharest ruled...

Romania losing 100 million tonnes of waste per year

09 June 2016 - Agriculture is the biggest source of waste in Romania that could be turned to energy,...

Enel to install 110,000 smart meters this year

05 June 2016 - Enel plans to install meters for all of its 2.7 million clients in Romania, in...

Green cars sales rise by 112% through April on the year

03 June 2016 - In the first four months of this year Romanians bought 195 hybrid and pure electric...

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