19 October 2016 - Second Parliamentary Forum for Energy Policy was held in the Serbian Assembly on October 14 in the presence...
14 October 2016 - The 14th Energy Community Ministerial Council unanimously approved the accession of the Republic of Georgia...
27 September 2016 - Between September 16 and 22, the Slovenian capital took part in the European Mobility Week...
17 September 2016 - Turkey and the Western Balkans should join forces in reducing the consequences of climate change...
15 September 2016 - The 12th International Energy Fair and 13th International Trade Fair for Environmental Protection and Natural...
14 September 2016 - The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) will contribute EUR 1 million to the production of...
11 September 2016 - EPTISA SEE, a subsidiary of Spanish EPTISA Group, international company operating in the fields of...
08 September 2016 - Serbia could increase its GDP by 1% with more investments into green infrastructure, according to...
05 September 2016 - Operator za OIEiEK, authority for renewable energy sources and efficient cogeneration, said last week it...
04 September 2016 - The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU) said on August 31 that it would start...
04 September 2016 - The first edition of the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards will close on September 16. The awards...
02 September 2016 - Serbia failed to comply with the provisions of the Directive 1999/32/EC on the maximum sulphur...
02 September 2016 - Serbia has been on a right road to the European Union, but further reforms in...
25 August 2016 - For the 12th year in a row, from 21 to 27 August, the municipality of...
25 August 2016 - With 132 ongoing projects following the vision of sustainable development, Ljubljana is upgrading the concept...
24 August 2016 - In Romania, Sigurec is an acronym meaning “for sure recycled, for sure economical.” This is...