
EU to fund climate change strategy with EUR 1 million

14 September 2016 - The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) will contribute EUR 1 million to the production of...

EPTISA SEE awarded environmental projects in Serbia and Kosovo*

11 September 2016 - EPTISA SEE, a subsidiary of Spanish EPTISA Group, international company operating in the fields of...

Green infrastructure may increase Serbia’s GDP by 1%

08 September 2016 - Serbia could increase its GDP by 1% with more investments into green infrastructure, according to...

Issuing body in Federation of BiH seeks projects with NGOs

05 September 2016 - Operator za OIEiEK, authority for renewable energy sources and efficient cogeneration, said last week it...

Fund to start paying debts for agreed projects

04 September 2016 - The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU) said on August 31 that it would start...

Ademe closing applications for awards

04 September 2016 - The first edition of the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards will close on September 16. The awards...

Serbia fails to comply with provisions on heavy fuel oil

02 September 2016 - Serbia failed to comply with the provisions of the Directive 1999/32/EC on the maximum sulphur...

EBRD boss supports Serbia’s EU path

02 September 2016 - Serbia has been on a right road to the European Union, but further reforms in...

Summer school on renewable energy as the driving force for local development

25 August 2016 - For the 12th year in a row, from 21 to 27 August, the municipality of...

Stagnation begins at the moment improvements stop

25 August 2016 - With 132 ongoing projects following the vision of sustainable development, Ljubljana is upgrading the concept...

Sigurec – the innovative collection infrastructure

24 August 2016 - In Romania, Sigurec is an acronym meaning “for sure recycled, for sure economical.” This is...


French-Serbian conference includes energy, environment

13 August 2016 - Investment cooperation agency Business France, Serbian Development Agency – RAS, the Chamber of Industry and...

HPP perucica kfw loan epcg a8

Hydropower plant overhaul raises environmental issue

08 August 2016 - The regular yearly refurbishment in hydroelectric power plant Perućica should be finished by September 8,...


EBRD seeks consultant for Green City project in Tirana

04 August 2016 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said it intends to engage a consultancy firm...


Four Balkan countries top emissions targets

01 August 2016 - Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania are in the group of European Union member states which...

Montenegro ranks concessions for four small hydro projects

Montenegro ranks concessions for four small hydro projects

01 August 2016 - The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro said a tender commission has determined the rankings in...

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