Energy Efficiency

renewables' share

Croatia’s proposed energy strategy envisages raising renewables’ share to 36.4% by 2030

06 November 2019 - The Croatian government has sent to parliament a proposal of the country’s energy sector development...

energy efficiency program

TENDERING: Development of Belgrade energy efficiency program, plan

01 November 2019 - The City of Belgrade has announced a public call for the development of the city’s...

EUR 1.4 million contract signed for energy renovation of hospital in Bar, walk-in clinic in Ulcinj

01 November 2019 - As part of the second phase of the Montenegro Energy Efficiency Project (MEEP), health minister...

top management

Petrol top management steps down unexpectedly

28 October 2019 - In a surprise move, the three-member top management of Slovenian energy company Petrol, headed by...

Procredit Bank Macedonia secures EUR 1 million to finance energy efficiency in households

25 October 2019 - Procredit Bank Macedonia has secured a EUR 1 million loan from the EBRD for financing...

bERS Resalta

Resalta completes lighting project for bERS Logistics in Bulgaria

16 October 2019 - Resalta has completed a lighting renovation project for logistics company bERS Logistics at its facility...


High efficiency and adaptive hardware and software – e-drive applicable to any battery and any machine

15 October 2019 - High-efficiency e-drive with adaptive hardware and software, making it applicable to a wide range of...

TE-TO Pančevo to start combined heat, power generation in Q4 2020

09 October 2019 - The 200 MW Pančevo cogeneration power plant (TE-TO Pančevo) is expected to be built by...

geothermal power plants

Working group set up for Vojvodina to get first geothermal power plants

07 October 2019 - A working group to facilitate the development of the first geothermal power plant projects in...

Four systemic Greek banks

Four systemic Greek banks join EUR 650 million sustainable infrastructure program – EIB

04 October 2019 - The European Investment Bank (EIB) has confirmed in a press release involvement of four systemic...

Contracts signed to finance switching two Serbian heating plants to biomass

04 October 2019 - Heating plants in six municipalities in Serbia will receive EUR 26.7 million to switch from...


GGF secures EUR 25 million from OeEB to continue green finance

04 October 2019 - The Development Bank of Austria (Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG – OeEB) has increased its investment with...

TENDERING: Consulting services to conduct energy audits for 40 public buildings

30 September 2019 - The Sarajevo Canton has issued a public call for the provision of consulting services to...

adaptive traffic control

Siemens signs deal to introduce adaptive traffic control system in Belgrade

30 September 2019 - German technology company Siemens and the City of Belgrade have signed an agreement on the...

energy transition

Energy transition – Incentives should be abandoned, renewables left to the market (part two)

26 September 2019 - Author: Goran Granić, director of Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar The biggest problem with all energy...

green building

Green building becoming increasingly important to tenants

25 September 2019 - A green building will not pollute the environment during construction or use. This will benefit...

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