
Balkan Green Energy News

How to cut heating bills at retail outlets, without CAPEX expenditure

06 March 2018 - Seeking to change the heat energy supplier at one of its retail outlets, retailer Mercator-S...

Energy Community backs certification of transmission system operator CGES

06 March 2018 - The Energy Community Secretariat supports the certification of the Montenegrin transmission system operator Crnogorski Elektroprenosni...

Slovenian government adopts changes to energy law

05 March 2018 - The Slovenian government has adopted the law on changes and amendments to the energy law...

Public call for allocation of funds for ZelEn’s product fee

02 March 2018 - Croatian public utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) and HEP Opskrba (HEP Supply) have announced a public...

Tilos island is getting ready to become 100 percent green

Tilos island is getting ready to become 100 percent green

02 March 2018 - The innovative hybrid, renewable energy-based battery station and smart microgrid project for Greek Tilos island...

Competition for start-ups from cleantech sector launched

01 March 2018 - The fourth edition of the largest competition for start-ups from the cleantech sector in Central...

Innovative renewable energy storage project, possible solution for Med islands

01 March 2018 - Cyprus is going to be a testing ground for an innovative pilot-project for community energy...

MK Fintel Wind secured loan for Košava wind farm

01 March 2018 - MK Fintel Wind has announced that it has secured EUR 81.5 million for the completion...

Public call for registration of electricity generation projects from RES and CHP

Public call for registration of electricity generation projects from RES and CHP

01 March 2018 - The Slovenian Energy Agency has announced a Public call for submission of projects for production...

Siemens Gamesa inks 1GW wind deal in Turkey

Siemens Gamesa inks 1GW wind deal in Turkey

28 February 2018 - Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has announced that the company signed an agreement to develop up...

Tender for regional waste landfills in Macedonia soon

28 February 2018 - Officials from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of Macedonia announced the start...

Bulgarian PM has accepted Energy Minister resignation over CEZ deal

Bulgarian PM has accepted Energy Minister resignation over CEZ deal

27 February 2018 - Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov accepted the resignation of Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova who decided...

Romania opts for state aid for recycling industry

Romania opts for state aid for recycling industry

27 February 2018 - The Romanian Environment Ministry has included in its 2018 budget an amount intended to support...

Commission for PPP helping municipalities adopt strategic approach

26 February 2018 - The protection of the public interest, clear allocation of responsibilities, risk sharing and raising the...

Regional electricity markets’ outlook for the near future

Regional electricity markets’ outlook for the near future

26 February 2018 - Author: Dejan Drašković, Chief Operating Officer, Montenegrin Power Exchange Since their emergence, power exchanges have become...

VIDEO: Update on Slatina biomass cogeneration plant by GGE

26 February 2018 - The installation of GGE’s largest renewable energy project – a biomass-fueled combined heat and power...

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