27 August 2015 - WHO WE ARE The USAID Clean Energy Investment Project builds upon and expands the...
30 July 2015 - The Government of Montenegro said it approved the Bill on Energy and that the document...
29 July 2015 - By Vladimir Đurđević, Institute of Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, vdj@ff.bg.ac.rs Planet Earth is...
24 July 2015 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the first commercial wind power...
16 July 2015 - MK-Fintel Wind AD, subsidiary of Fintel Energia Group SpA, signed a term sheet with a...
28 June 2015 - Turkey’s most populated city will fund the capacity extension of Odayeri, the country’s largest waste-fuelled...
25 June 2015 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna esa.rugova@burgcapital.com Driven by steady economic growth, the Turkish...
22 June 2015 - Devoll Hydropower Sh. A. (DHP), Albanian company ultimately owned by the Norwegian company Statkraft AS,...
18 June 2015 - The Government of Albania reached a loan agreement with the German government for a project...
08 June 2015 - Bulgarian households and small businesses will have the right to choose their electricity supplier freely...
08 June 2015 - A EUR 4 million project designed to collect recyclable waste from households was implemented by...
27 May 2015 - Project summary A series of round tables on sustainable use of biomass was held from...
18 May 2015 - Businessmen interested in investing in the facilities for combined production of electric and thermal energy...
18 May 2015 - Capital Investment Administration of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina published a public invitation to municipal authorities...
18 May 2015 - Joint venture partner of Germany’s Belectric Solarkraftwerke GmbH has tendered successfully the single largest ground-mounted...
18 May 2015 - Project developers eager to set up solar photovoltaic power projects in Jordan took a shot at...