
Balkan Green Energy News


EBRD seeks consultant for hydropower sector plan

01 April 2017 - As part of activities to bolster Macedonia’s share of power generation from hydro facilities, currently...

EU funding recycling yards in Croatia with EUR 19.4 million

01 April 2017 - Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy announced the first public call for waste management...

Albanian government approves construction of first wind park project

30 March 2017 - The Government of Albania has approved this month the construction of a 12 MW wind farm...

PV system for women’s shelter waits ministry approval

30 March 2017 - High school Emmanouel Kriaras in Thessaloniki ceded its roof for a 10 kW PV solar...

Syriza dissenters slam plan to sell chunk of PPC

30 March 2017 - Conflicting statements are making their way to the media, as Greek officials and representatives of...

GIZ Transboundary Ecosystem Management project launch

29 March 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Biodiversity (ORF-BD) officially launched its Transboundary...

Belgrade energy efficiency endeavours supported by UNEP

29 March 2017 - Siniša Mali, the Mayor of Belgrade, met with Harald Egerer, Head of UNEP Vienna SCC...

The Energy Community to reintroduce sanctions for BiH on April 1

25 March 2017 - Author: Zoran Vidić The Energy Community (EC) will reintroduce its set of punitive measures for...

The biggest solar power plant in Turkey to be built by Turkish-Southkorean consortium

24 March 2017 - Solar power plant of 1 GW will be installed in Karapınar Renewable Energy Resource Area...

Cutting edge software and home-grown brains put Serbian Schneider Electric DMS on top of the world

23 March 2017 - Author: Zoran Vidić Schneider Electric DMS is a company from Novi Sad, Serbia, dedicated to...

Serbia’s first public-private partnership for heat energy supply

23 March 2017 - First public-private partnership (PPP) contract in Serbia for the supply of heat energy for public...

City of Pirot will soon meet all EU environmental standards

22 March 2017 - Vladan Vasić, Mayor of Pirot, told Balkan Green Energy News the local authority is preparing,...

Malibunar windpark to be completed in 2017, Alibunar construction starts soon

21 March 2017 - Aleksandar Antić,  Minister of mining and energy has met today Nicolas Brynooghe, director of Belgium company...

EVN Macedonia to help large consumers become more energy efficient

21 March 2017 - Author: Goce Trpkovski, Macedonia By implementing  ISO 50001 standard for energy efficiency, Macedonian electric power...

WWF calling cities to participate in Earth Hour

21 March 2017 - World Wide Fund for Nature called all cities to join the 10. Earth Hour by...

Green certificates for two HEP hydropower plants

21 March 2017 - Croatian energy regulatory body (HERA), assigned green certificate to two hydropower plants of Croatian state-owned...

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