Dams rivers hydropower

Damage from small hydropower is much larger than gains, study finds

29 November 2019 - The Balkans and Turkey are examples of how quickly free-flowing rivers and river stretches “can...

EU Overshoot Day: 7% of world’s population uses nearly 20% of Earth’s biocapacity

16 May 2019 - If everybody in the world lived like EU residents, the world would have exhausted the...

sturgeon stocking romania hungary

Pilot sturgeon stocking carried out in Romania, Hungary

26 April 2019 - The Danube River fauna were enriched on April 18 with two important sturgeon stocking events,...

Earth Hour 2019 switch-off this Saturday March 30 at 8:30 pm

29 March 2019 - On Saturday, March 30 at 8:30 pm local time, skylines around the world will go...

All Bulgarian rivers damaged in some way, 200 HPPs approved on top of 270 built – WWF

18 February 2019 - All Bulgarian rivers and their tributaries have been adversely affected by pollution, drought, wastewater, extraction...

Study looks into Neretva, Trebišnjica river basins’ regional economic impact

17 May 2018 - The Neretva and Trebišnjica river basins are of critical economic significance for three economies and...

WWF launches Nature for People initiative/platform in SEE

19 September 2017 - The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Adria), an important regional partner of the GIZ...

Wetlands in northern Serbia on UNESCO’s biosphere reserves list

27 June 2017 - The International Coordination Council of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere program has included Bačko Podunavlje...

GIZ Transboundary Ecosystem Management project launch

29 March 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Biodiversity (ORF-BD) officially launched its Transboundary...

WWF calling cities to participate in Earth Hour

21 March 2017 - World Wide Fund for Nature called all cities to join the 10. Earth Hour by...

Investor gives up building HPP in Velebit Nature Park

11 January 2017 - The company “Hydroelectric power plants” gave up construction of a small hydropower plant (SHPP) on...

Intersectoral cooperation in the Drina river basin discussed in Belgrade

18 November 2016 - The international and domestic experts and stakeholders from the three neighbouring countries – Bosnia and...

Importance of local communities in the climate-smart development

28 October 2016 - Helping local communities in fighting against the adverse effects of the climate change is the...

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