sustainable finance

Green for Growth Fund EUR 1 1 billion green finance

Green for Growth Fund attracts EUR 135 million in green finance in 2020

28 June 2021 - The Green for Growth Fund's Impact Report for 2020 revealed that it attracted EUR 135 million in investments and technical assistance commitments

Knjaz Milos save EUR 17 000 per year energy-efficient equipment

New equipment helps Knjaz Miloš achieve energy savings

18 June 2021 - Serbian beverage producer Knjaz Miloš invested in energy-efficient equipment with the help of UniCredit Leasing Serbia and GEFF Serbia Leasing

COVID-19 crisis is opportunity for GGF to promote sustainable growth interview Green for Growth Fund GGF Olaf Zymelka

COVID-19 crisis is opportunity for GGF to promote sustainable growth

17 June 2021 - GGF is encouraging and financing financial institutions which share its vision of building back better, Chairperson Olaf Zymelka said

Serbia framework issue sovereign green bonds

Serbia preparing framework to issue sovereign green bonds

16 June 2021 - Serbia is getting ready to raise funds through green bonds. CBI head Sean Kidney said they are more attractive to investors than ordinary debt securities.

EBRD auctions number one tool renewable energy interview Matteo Colangeli

EBRD promotes auctions as number one tool for renewable energy growth

09 June 2021 - EBRD's Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli says it is helping roll out renewable energy auctions and that it would fund decarbonization and bilateral power purchase agreements


Germany plans to set 2045 target for climate neutrality

06 May 2021 - Germany plans to bring forward its net zero emissions deadline to 2045, or five years ahead of the European Union’s declared target.

National Bank of Greece EUR 500 million green energy bonds

National Bank of Greece raises EUR 500 million via green energy bonds

06 October 2020 - NBG sold green energy bonds worth EUR 500 million with the obligation to invest the...

GGF EUR 25 million in green finance DenizBank Turkey

GGF provides EUR 25 million in green finance to DenizBank in Turkey

22 July 2020 - A senior loan of EUR 25 million to the new partner in Turkey will increase...

GGF, Yapı Kredi Leasing renewables Turkey loan

GGF, Yapı Kredi Leasing support renewables in Turkey with loan package of EUR 20 million

06 July 2020 - The Green for Growth Fund – GGF invested in Turkey’s Yapı Kredi Leasing for the...

GGF impact report 2019 decade

GGF celebrates 10 years of green impact with renewables portfolio of over 1 GW

21 May 2020 - The Green for Growth Fund has so far supported the development of over 1 GW...

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