Carbon prices EU industrial pollution costs

Carbon prices jump in EU, taking industrial pollution costs to 14-year high

14 July 2020 - Expenses for greenhouse gas emissions at factories and energy producers briefly surged to a level...

first call

EU launches first call for proposals under Innovation Fund for clean technologies

06 July 2020 - The European Commission has launched the first call for proposals under the EUR 10 billion...


Introduction of emissions trading is request of our time and no matter of choice

19 May 2020 - With the adoption of the climate change law and the introduction of an emissions trading...


Top 3 CO2 emitters for 2019 in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovenia

11 May 2020 - Lignite power plants are occupying the most positions on the 2019 list of the top...


Kantor, E3 to design carbon tax for Energy Community Contracting Parties

03 February 2020 - The consortium made of Kantor Management Consultant SA and E3 modelling will be in charge...

Romania mulls carbon price compensation scheme

14 June 2019 - The Romanian government is considering introducing a scheme for offsetting the cost of the EU...

European Commission: Montenegro should step up enforcement of laws in environmental protection, climate change

14 June 2019 - Montenegro has made some progress in harmonizing its legislation with the EU in the field...

EU Commission: Serbia makes limited progress on energy, climate change yet to receive adequate attention

29 May 2019 - Serbia made limited progress in the area of energy, while the policy areas of environment...

EPCG’s new investment cycle focuses on portfolio diversification, hydropower projects

07 May 2019 - A Belgrade consortium comprising engineering firm Energoprojekt Hidroinženjering and water management institute Jaroslav Černi has...

Ministry drafts decree to reduce renewables incentive fee paid by companies

15 April 2019 - In line with the Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020, Croatia’s...

Montenegro opens chapter 27 of EU accession talks

11 December 2018 - Montenegro has opened chapter 27 of EU membership negotiations, which deals with the environment and...

China’s Belt and Road in Balkan coal dead end & why the EU should care

11 July 2018 - Author: Igor Kalaba, Energy Policy Coordinator for South East Europe, CAN Europe Governments in the...

EU ETS implications for Serbia - price of electricity made from coal is going up

EU ETS implications for Serbia – price of electricity made from coal to go up

12 June 2018 - Carbon pricing – forcing electrical generators to pay for the right to emit carbon –...

Croatia to get EUR 116 million from emissions allowances auctions

23 February 2018 - Croatia will earn EUR 116 million from auctions of emissions allowances by 2020, of which...

EU launched project to assist Paris Agreement implementation in Western Balkans and Turkey

09 January 2018 - European Commission published contract notice for the support to the implementation of the 2015 Paris...

Stricter emission standards more effective in decarbonisation than ETS

14 September 2017 - Peter Vajda, Environmental Expert at the Energy Community Secretariat, explains in an interview for the...

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