29 July 2020 - The European Commission launched public consultations on taxation rules that would help its climate agenda....
21 July 2020 - The European Council reached an agreement on the seven-year budget through 2027 including a mechanism...
14 July 2020 - Expenses for greenhouse gas emissions at factories and energy producers briefly surged to a level...
06 July 2020 - The European Commission has launched the first call for proposals under the EUR 10 billion...
19 May 2020 - With the adoption of the climate change law and the introduction of an emissions trading...
11 May 2020 - Lignite power plants are occupying the most positions on the 2019 list of the top...
03 February 2020 - The consortium made of Kantor Management Consultant SA and E3 modelling will be in charge...
14 June 2019 - The Romanian government is considering introducing a scheme for offsetting the cost of the EU...
14 June 2019 - Montenegro has made some progress in harmonizing its legislation with the EU in the field...
29 May 2019 - Serbia made limited progress in the area of energy, while the policy areas of environment...
07 May 2019 - A Belgrade consortium comprising engineering firm Energoprojekt Hidroinženjering and water management institute Jaroslav Černi has...
15 April 2019 - In line with the Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020, Croatia’s...
11 December 2018 - Montenegro has opened chapter 27 of EU membership negotiations, which deals with the environment and...
11 July 2018 - Author: Igor Kalaba, Energy Policy Coordinator for South East Europe, CAN Europe Governments in the...
12 June 2018 - Carbon pricing – forcing electrical generators to pay for the right to emit carbon –...
23 February 2018 - Croatia will earn EUR 116 million from auctions of emissions allowances by 2020, of which...