carbon pricing-Energy Community

Gradual introduction of carbon pricing with market integration recommended for Energy Community

21 January 2021 - A gradual introduction of carbon pricing coupled with full market integration is recommended as the best option for the Energy Community Contracting Parties.

Albania_climate change_law

Albanian parliament approves climate change bill

14 January 2021 - The Albanian parliament has approved a climate change bill, which, among other things, provides a...

EU leaders budget, green recovery funds 55 emission cut

EU leaders agree on budget, green recovery funds, 55% emission cut goal

12 December 2020 - The European Parliament is set to vote on a proposal for the EU's seven-year budget, green recovery funds and the 55% emission cut target

RESET European Green Deal for energy transition in BiH

RESET: European Green Deal is chance for energy transition in BiH

19 November 2020 - The European Green Deal is a chance for BiH to upgrade its energy system and make it environmentally sustainable, experts from RESET said.

National emission trading schemes CO2 tax Energy Community

National emission trading schemes better option for EnC Contracting Parties than cross border carbon tax

30 October 2020 - Introduction of national emission trading schemes similar to the EU ETS is the best solution for CO2 pricing in the Energy Community.


Strong political will and access to European electricity market – key enablers of RES integration challenges in Western Balkans

08 August 2020 - Authors: REPCONS project team of key experts Experts from the Western Balkans see energy transition...

EU CO2 tax products countries

EU preparing CO2 tax for products from other countries

29 July 2020 - The European Commission launched public consultations on taxation rules that would help its climate agenda....

EU Just Transition Fund EUR 10 billion in COVID-19 recovery

EU cuts Just Transition Fund to EUR 10 billion in COVID-19 recovery deal

21 July 2020 - The European Council reached an agreement on the seven-year budget through 2027 including a mechanism...

Carbon prices EU industrial pollution costs

Carbon prices jump in EU, taking industrial pollution costs to 14-year high

14 July 2020 - Expenses for greenhouse gas emissions at factories and energy producers briefly surged to a level...

first call

EU launches first call for proposals under Innovation Fund for clean technologies

06 July 2020 - The European Commission has launched the first call for proposals under the EUR 10 billion...


Introduction of emissions trading is request of our time and no matter of choice

19 May 2020 - With the adoption of the climate change law and the introduction of an emissions trading...


Top 3 CO2 emitters for 2019 in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovenia

11 May 2020 - Lignite power plants are occupying the most positions on the 2019 list of the top...


Kantor, E3 to design carbon tax for Energy Community Contracting Parties

03 February 2020 - The consortium made of Kantor Management Consultant SA and E3 modelling will be in charge...

Romania mulls carbon price compensation scheme

14 June 2019 - The Romanian government is considering introducing a scheme for offsetting the cost of the EU...

European Commission: Montenegro should step up enforcement of laws in environmental protection, climate change

14 June 2019 - Montenegro has made some progress in harmonizing its legislation with the EU in the field...

EU Commission: Serbia makes limited progress on energy, climate change yet to receive adequate attention

29 May 2019 - Serbia made limited progress in the area of energy, while the policy areas of environment...

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