EU s CO2 certificates above EUR 48 ton all time high

EU’s CO2 certificates climb above EUR 48 per ton to all-time high

28 April 2021 - The cost of releasing greenhouse gases within the EU's Emissions Trading System is continuing to set records and nearing EUR 50 per CO2 equivalent

eu emissions trading 2020

EU ETS covered emissions record biggest drop in six years

23 April 2021 - Greenhouse gas emissions from operators covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) fell by 13.3% in 2020 compared to 2019.


ELES CEO: Slovenia must set coal phaseout date as soon as possible

19 April 2021 - Slovenia's only coal-fired thermal power plant TEŠ is on track to lose up to EUR 150 million this year, CEO of ELES Aleksander Mervar said

EU carbon price hits record EUR 43

EU carbon price surpasses EUR 43 to reach new record

15 March 2021 - The price of EU's carbon permits rose by 32.4% in 2021 and almost 16 times since April 17, 2013, when the all-time low was registered.

Climate Change Law form or essence

Climate Change Law – form or essence

12 March 2021 - Climate change expert Danijela Božanić analyzes the Draft Climate Change Law, which the government adopted three years since the public consultation process ended

Kopac Serbia energy power prices raised

Kopač: Serbia taking big steps in energy; power prices must be raised

10 March 2021 - Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač praised the reforms in Serbia but also stressed the prices of power for households must be increased

Energy Community power decarbonization crucial Western Balkans

EnC Energy Transition Tracker: 61% of power output in WB6 still comes from fossil fuels

09 February 2021 - The Energy Transition Tracker points to slow energy transition momentum and the decarbonization challenge in electricity production and transportation.

China launches carbon trading system

China launches carbon trading system

04 February 2021 - Carbon emissions trading includes a total of 2,225 power companies, which last year accounted for about 40% of the country’s emissions.

carbon pricing-Energy Community

Gradual introduction of carbon pricing with market integration recommended for Energy Community

21 January 2021 - A gradual introduction of carbon pricing coupled with full market integration is recommended as the best option for the Energy Community Contracting Parties.

Albania_climate change_law

Albanian parliament approves climate change bill

14 January 2021 - The Albanian parliament has approved a climate change bill, which, among other things, provides a...

EU leaders budget, green recovery funds 55 emission cut

EU leaders agree on budget, green recovery funds, 55% emission cut goal

12 December 2020 - The European Parliament is set to vote on a proposal for the EU's seven-year budget, green recovery funds and the 55% emission cut target

RESET European Green Deal for energy transition in BiH

RESET: European Green Deal is chance for energy transition in BiH

19 November 2020 - The European Green Deal is a chance for BiH to upgrade its energy system and make it environmentally sustainable, experts from RESET said.

National emission trading schemes CO2 tax Energy Community

National emission trading schemes better option for EnC Contracting Parties than cross border carbon tax

30 October 2020 - Introduction of national emission trading schemes similar to the EU ETS is the best solution for CO2 pricing in the Energy Community.


Strong political will and access to European electricity market – key enablers of RES integration challenges in Western Balkans

08 August 2020 - Authors: REPCONS project team of key experts Experts from the Western Balkans see energy transition...

EU CO2 tax products countries

EU preparing CO2 tax for products from other countries

29 July 2020 - The European Commission launched public consultations on taxation rules that would help its climate agenda....

EU Just Transition Fund EUR 10 billion in COVID-19 recovery

EU cuts Just Transition Fund to EUR 10 billion in COVID-19 recovery deal

21 July 2020 - The European Council reached an agreement on the seven-year budget through 2027 including a mechanism...

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