BiH to prepare CO2 emissions pricing, trading system by 2026

BiH to prepare CO2 taxing system by 2026

22 March 2022 - Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH is preparing a roadmap for the introduction of the CO2 taxing and trading system

Carbon prices in EU fall despite record surge in fossil fuels

Carbon prices in EU fall despite record surge in fossil fuels

03 March 2022 - The cost of carbon dioxide within the European Union's Emissions Trading System touched EUR 55 per ton this week in a sharp selloff

EU carbon border tax must become mainstream topic in Western Balkans

EU’s carbon border tax must become mainstream topic in Western Balkans

09 February 2022 - Measures accompanying the CBAM must be directed to helping the Western Balkans adjust to the CO2 pricing system, experts say

European carbon emission prices hit record highs nearing EUR 100 ton

European carbon emission prices hit record highs, nearing EUR 100 per ton

03 February 2022 - The cost of a ton of CO2 within the EU ETS reached an all-time high of just below EUR 95 as the market is bracing for a rally to EUR 100.

Most read articles on Balkan Green Energy News in 2021

30 December 2021 - The most important topics for our readers in 2021 were lithium, the coal phaseout and investment in renewable energy in Serbia

Greece doubles subsidies households electricity heating EUR 500 million

Government in Athens doubles subsidies to protect households during energy crisis

11 October 2021 - Greece said household power and heating bills would grow only marginally as it earmarked EUR 500 million in subsidies for the energy crisis

waste incineration under EU ETS generates climate, employment benefits

Including waste incineration in EU ETS would bring climate, employment benefits

08 October 2021 - Including waste incineration in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) would encourage waste prevention...

EU Western Balkans Green Agenda Action Plan

Adopted Green Agenda Action Plan for Western Balkans brings EUR 9 billion in grants, 2024 deadline to align with EU ETS

06 October 2021 - The EU prepared a EUR 30 billion investment package and the Western Balkans must implement climate action reforms from Green Agenda Action Plan

CO2 tops EUR 60 for first time

CO2 tops EUR 60 for first time

30 August 2021 - Carbon permits reached almost EUR 61 per ton in the EU as power producers are struggling to obtain gas from Russia and wind has weakened

Fit for 55 package to push CO2 prices to EUR 90 by 2030

Fit for 55 package to push CO2 prices to EUR 90 by 2030

20 July 2021 - A price increase is expected in particular in the second half of the decade, according to the analysis of the ICIS.


Greece sees sharpest coal emissions cut among EU coal-producing countries

19 July 2021 - Greece has achieved a 56.3% reduction in emissions in the sectors covered by the EU ETS, the third best performance among member states.

carbon border tax explanation western balkans

EU announces carbon border tax from 2026 – what lies ahead for exporters from Western Balkans, Turkey

16 July 2021 - CBAM will be paid from 2026 on cement, iron, steel, fertilizers, aluminium and electricity, but power producers have on option to be exempted until 2030.

Carbon border tax to be imposed on steel, iron, cement, fertilizers, aluminium, electricity - leaked draft

Carbon border tax to be imposed on steel, iron, cement, fertilizers, aluminium, electricity – leaked draft

07 June 2021 - The European Commission is considering a transitional period of three years for fully implementing CBAM, from 2023 until 2026.

Croatia adopts low-carbon strategy emissions to be reduced 80 percent by 2050

Croatia adopts low-carbon strategy: emissions to be reduced 80% by 2050

03 June 2021 - Climate neutrality is difficult to achieve by 2050 with currently available knowledge and technologies, according to the strategy.

EPBiH calculate CO2 prices internally deal Energy Community

EPBiH to calculate CO2 costs internally after deal with Energy Community

21 May 2021 - EPBiH intends to include CO2 expenses in its financial reports from next year at the initiative of the Energy Community Secretariat

EU Greens want EUR 50 CO2 floor price, increase to EUR 150 by 2030

EU Greens want CO2 floor price of EUR 50, increase to EUR 150 by 2030

21 May 2021 - The Greens in the European Parliament want to increase the CO2 price in order to  phase out coal and achieve 100 percent renewables target.

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