
Deals signed to build two more biomass-fueled CHP plants in Croatia

07 August 2018 - Two more biomass-fueled combined heat and power (CHP) plants are to be built in Croatia,...

China’s Sunpower to design biomass power plant in Bulgaria

31 July 2018 - A subsidiary of China’s environmental protection solutions company Sunpower Group will design a biomass power...

Contractors selected for biomass boiler in Priboj, tendering for district heating plant ahead

06 July 2018 - After concluding the tendering procedure, the Municipality of Priboj signed a RSD 89.9 million contract...

CoolHeating in Šabac - use of biomass for district heating

CoolHeating in Šabac – biomass use for district heating

06 June 2018 - The University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), together with partners on the CoolHeating...

Slovenia pays EUR 143.5 million in renewable energy subsidies in 2017

09 May 2018 - Slovenia paid EUR 143.5 million in subsidies to renewable energy producers in 2017, down 2%...

Bulgaria to add 647 MW in installed capacity, RES contribute with 401 MW

Bulgaria to add 647 MW in installed capacity, RES contribute with 401 MW

20 April 2018 - Bulgarian electricity transmission system operator ESO has announced its plan to add additional installed capacity...

Energy Cooperatives – Innovative Business Model for Energy Turn in Bosnia and Herzegovina

16 April 2018 - Author: Prof. Azrudin Husika, Ph.D. Eng. MA, President of the Regional Education and Information Center for...


Sombor to get power from biogas produced at waste water processing plant

07 March 2018 - The local authorities in the Vojvodina town of Sombor are planning to build an electricity...

VIDEO: Update on Slatina biomass cogeneration plant by GGE

26 February 2018 - The installation of GGE’s largest renewable energy project – a biomass-fueled combined heat and power...

Norwegians invest in cogeneration plant in Žakanje, in Croatia

Norwegians invest in cogeneration plant in Žakanje, in Croatia

23 February 2018 - The Norwegian company Croatia REN AS plans to invest EUR 18.7 million in a biomass-fueled...

Call for applications: renewables included in IPARD II in Turkey

Call for applications: renewables included in IPARD II in Turkey

23 February 2018 - Turkish renewable energy sector is one of the sectors to be financially supported by the...

Sweden provides EUR 4 million for energy efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina

20 February 2018 - The Government of Sweden is providing EUR 4 million for the continuation of the Green...

Building owners, local mayors are heroes of energy efficiency

Building owners, local mayors are heroes of energy efficiency

29 January 2018 - Government and regulators are responsible for empowering decision makers on the local level as well...

RENEXPO Water & Energy in Belgrade, April 24 - 26

RENEXPO Water & Energy fair in Belgrade, April 24 – 26

26 January 2018 - The program of this year’s biggest international Western Balkan’s trade fair with conferences, RENEXPO Water...


UNDP BiH seeks consultant to explore potential of renewable energy sources

22 January 2018 - The UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina seeks a consultant for development of Study on renewable energy...

Greece’s PPCR is looking for partner to build and operate biomass CHP plant

Greece’s PPCR is looking for partner to build and operate biomass CHP plant

19 January 2018 - PPC Renewables (PPCR), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greek largest electricity production and supply company –...

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