
Tourist destination Zlatibor kicks off wastewater treatment plant project

06 June 2017 - The construction of wastewater treatment plant at mountain Zlatibor, a popular tourist destination, is expected...

UNEP facilitating Belgrade’s participation in two UN SE4All initiatives: BEA and DES workshops

02 June 2017 - Workshops on two UN Environment’s projects that will help Serbian capital to improve energy efficiency...

Call for final bids for Belgrade’s largest landfill Vinča

30 May 2017 - The City of Belgrade published a call for submission of final bids for public-private partnership...

Major sustainable energy and environmental projects of Serbia’s capital announced

29 May 2017 - The first ever “ENERGY WEEK – Nedelja energije” kicked off today in Belgrade, as a...

UNECE’s Drina nexus project points to untapped cooperation potential in hydropower

29 May 2017 - Synchronised operation of power plants along the Drina and its tributaries could markedly increase production...

City of Belgrade joins EU Sustainable Energy Week initiative #EUSEW2017

26 May 2017 - The “ENERGY WEEK – Nedelja energije” will be organized for the first time in Serbia...

Serbian Parliament says yes to KfW loans to EPS and EMS

25 May 2017 - Serbian Parliament has approved laws on Government’s guarantees for loans which German development bank KfW...

Water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus and benefits of cooperation in the Western Balkans

22 May 2017 -   Project: Greening economic development in Western Balkans trough applying a nexus approach and identification...

Belgrade Mayor announced partnership with Chinese Poly Group for wastewater plant

21 May 2017 - Belgrade Mayor Siniša Mali announced the construction of a wastewater treatment plant just outside the...

MK Fintel Wind first green energy firm on Belgrade Stock Exchange

19 May 2017 - The MK Fintel Wind company, jointly owned by the Italian Fintel Energia Spa and MK...

GGF provides EUR 20 million senior loan to UniCredit Bank for renewable energy financing in Serbia

16 May 2017 - The senior loan for financing renewable energy projects represents the beginning of the cooperation between...

There’s no such thing as a free lunch

15 May 2017 - By Kristina Cvejanov, President on Serbian Packaging Waste Recyclers Association The media recently reported that Serbia...

Serbian petroleum company NIS will have to pay eco-tax unless it proves exemption

10 May 2017 - Serbian authorities reiterated their position that all companies have to pay environmental tax, including the...

Waste exchange about to be launched in Serbia, RTS finds out what are the benefits

08 May 2017 - In Serbia, only 10% of waste is recycled, which means that the country is loosing...

EPCG joining SEEPEX later this year just the first step in further integration with other power markets

05 May 2017 - Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG), national power utility company of Montenegro is currently preparing paper work...

World Bank suggesting strategic partner for EPS, Branko Kovačević: that is not good idea

04 May 2017 - Tony Verheijen, Country Manager of the World Bank in Serbia said that privatization of Electric Power...

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