
EPS completes Đerdap 1 unit revitalization, ups capacity by 60 MW

18 October 2017 - The overhaul of four units of hydroelectric power plant Đerdap 1 has increased the plant’s...

Update: EBRD, IFC finance wind farm Čibuk 1 of 158.4 MW

17 October 2017 - Vetroelektrane Balkana d.o.o. secured a credit line worth EUR 215 million for its Čibuk 1...

GGF helps energy efficiency in Serbian homes via Halkbank

17 October 2017 - Primary energy savings of 43 GWh and reductions of carbon dioxide emissions of more than...

Initiative to investigate impact of NATO bombardment on health and environment in Serbia launched

10 October 2017 - A group of experts has launched an initiative to establish a national body and laboratory...

International energy, environment and urban smart technologies fairs opened in Belgrade

04 October 2017 - International fairs of energy, environment and urban future technologies have been opened today at the...

Vinča PPP signed to solve biggest environmental problem in Serbia, region

30 September 2017 - Following an international tender, an agreement on a public private partnership (PPP) was signed by...

65 CSO projects selected for co-financing by Ministry of Environmental Protection – BGEN one of winning projects

29 September 2017 - A total of 65 out of more than 200 submitted projects have been selected at...

Update: Building Efficiency Accelerator regional workshop held in Belgrade

28 September 2017 - Updated on November 7, 2017. A regional workshop dedicated to accelerating building efficiency  has been...

Funds allocated for use of renewables to heat water in public buildings in Vojvodina

28 September 2017 - A total of 11 towns and municipalities in the Serbian northern province of Vojvodina were...

Green building concept has important role in climate change adaptation, Belgrade conference conveys

27 September 2017 - Green building concept has important role in climate change adaptation, as buildings account for more...

Croatian Fermopromet opened biogas power plant in Bačka Topola

27 September 2017 - The Croatian company Fermopromet opened a 2 MW biogas power plant outside the town of...

City of Kruševac and GGE sign largest public lighting PPP in region

26 September 2017 - The City of Kruševac, in central Serbia, has signed a public-private partnership (PPP) with GGE,...

Pančevo Oil Refinery receives IPPC license for pollution prevention

26 September 2017 - Pančevo-based Oil Refinery, part of the Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS), has received an integrated...

Israeli Enlight Renewable Energy to build 104.5 MW wind farm in Serbia

26 September 2017 - Israeli company Enlight Renewable Energy will build one of the largest wind farms in Serbia...

Conference Going net zero on green buildings to be held in Belgrade

18 September 2017 - The conference Going net zero will be held in Belgrade on September 27 with an...

Negotiations underway with Chinese companies on Belgrade heating pipeline

18 September 2017 - Belgrade city Mayor Siniša Mali said negotiations are underway with Chinese companies on agreements which...

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