
Jean-Marc Jossart interview

EU heating debate may bring cure for energy poverty

27 August 2015 - AEBIOM, the European Biomass Association, has decided to support initiatives for the development of bioenergy...

Wind power deployment proportional to incentives

06 July 2015 - Turkey added 804 MW in wind turbine capacity last year, and ranked tenth in the...

Sustainable Energy Initiative mainstreams renewables

25 June 2015 - Under the framework of its Sustainable Energy Initiative, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

Regional Alterenergy platform network enhances Renexpo

07 May 2015 - Small and medium enterprises from the Adriatic region, engaged in the sectors of energy saving...

First round of infrastructure projects receives EU funding

07 May 2015 - Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) has signed 15 grant agreements for priority energy infrastructure...

Alterenergy board and steering committee meeting

06 May 2015 - Eight partnership meetings were already held within the Alterenergy strategic project. The last project management...

VIP regional agency took part in Vienna finance forum

17 April 2015 - Vojvodina Investment Promotion, Serbia’s autonomous province’s agency, participated in Amstad Global’s conference Project Finance in...

Campania’s firms at EnergyMed eye Albania investment

10 April 2015 - EnergyMed fair in Naples hosted dozens of operators from Mediterranean countries and China to help...

Feasibility Study Conclusions on a Regional 400 kV Electricity Interconnection

10 April 2015 - The Feasibility Study for the 400 kV Interconnection between Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina...

EBRD: Outages, inefficiency rank high in business challenges

04 April 2015 - Though some improvements have taken place, electricity issues remained the most severe obstacle for firms...

Smart grids could be Europe’s shale gas

02 April 2015 - Infrastructure for balancing intermittent solar and wind energy with flexible power demand could do for...

Bogdan Balaci: Connected lighting, future of the industry

01 April 2015 - While these days modern lighting is equivalent to using LED equipment, the technology developments achieved...

Renewables alter market game

01 April 2015 - More energy generated at the distribution level, from renewable sources, is requiring a system overhaul...

Investment in renewables in EU all but ceased last year

31 March 2015 - Southern Europe is still almost a no-go area for investors in energy from renewable sources...

Two thirds of EU may face sanctions for ignoring directive

27 March 2015 - Nineteen EU member states have missed the deadline to translate the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU)...

EnerTech Balkans convenes wind and hydro experts and managers

25 March 2015 - Third annual two-day EnerTech Balkans conference and exhibition was organized in Belgrade’s Hyatt hotel and...

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