
Republika Srpska increases fees for power from renewable sources

14 October 2017 - The Republika Srpska Regulatory Commission for Energy decided to raise the fees that consumers pay...

New energy strategy of Croatia in 2018

13 October 2017 - Croatia’s long-awaited energy strategy should be prepared next year. Experts warned that this strategic document...

Croatian Ministry calls for energy efficiency, renewables projects for industrial production

12 October 2017 - Croatia’s Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy published an invitation for the co-financing of projects...

Fourth RENEXPO BiH to be held in Sarajevo in November

10 October 2017 - On November 8 and 9, the Fourth RENEXPO BiH will gather in Sarajevo investors, decision...

Capman Green Energy Fund acquires Rogozen solar plant

10 October 2017 - Bulgaria-based Capman Green Energy Fund has acquired a 100 percent stake in Rogozen solar plant...

Shell to expand from wholesale to retail electricity market in Turkey

10 October 2017 - The Shell company is getting ready to enter the electricity retail market in Turkey after...

Wind turbine collapsed amid high winds on island of Pag

09 October 2017 - One of seven wind turbines on the island of Pag, in Croatia, collapsed after high...

International energy, environment and urban smart technologies fairs opened in Belgrade

04 October 2017 - International fairs of energy, environment and urban future technologies have been opened today at the...

45 MW Brežice hydropower plant on river Sava inaugurated

02 October 2017 - The Brežice hydropower plant (HPP), the largest and fifth in the chain of six hydroelectric...

Central and South-Eastern European countries expand cooperation in energy sector

29 September 2017 - Central and South-Eastern European countries, including 9 EU Member States and 8 Energy Community Contracting...

Funds allocated for use of renewables to heat water in public buildings in Vojvodina

28 September 2017 - A total of 11 towns and municipalities in the Serbian northern province of Vojvodina were...

Croatian Fermopromet opened biogas power plant in Bačka Topola

27 September 2017 - The Croatian company Fermopromet opened a 2 MW biogas power plant outside the town of...

Norwegian power group Statkraft selling Cetin hydropower plant to Turkish Limak Enerji

26 September 2017 - The Turkish power company Limak Enerji has bought the partly constructed Cetin hydropower plant from...

Israeli Enlight Renewable Energy to build 104.5 MW wind farm in Serbia

26 September 2017 - Israeli company Enlight Renewable Energy will build one of the largest wind farms in Serbia...

Islands show great renewable energy potential, EU forum said

25 September 2017 - The EU islands have enormous potential to benefit from the clean energy transition and become...

EAC tender solar photovoltaic

German manufacturer RECOM to supply PV modules for solar projects in Turkey

22 September 2017 - German solar module manufacturer RECOM has obtained an import license from the Turkish government, and...

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