
European Commissioner Bulc opens new electric car charging station in Skoplje

European Commissioner Bulc opens new electric car charging station in Skoplje

26 October 2017 - The European Union’s Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc opened a new charger for electric vehicles during...

Swedish companies interested in building first Eco-village in Zrenjanin

26 October 2017 - Swedish green technology companies, confident that Serbia has a great potential for the development of...

Danish smart urban solutions for Croatian and Slovenian cities presented

25 October 2017 - Croatian and Slovenian cities have expressed substantial interest in Danish energy efficiency and smart city...

Maryland companies interested in environmental projects in Serbia

24 October 2017 - Serbia received two ground decontamination devices from the US company Freytech at the end of...

Romania to re-introduce environmental tax for old vehicles

20 October 2017 - With a growing interest in buying old cars after Romanian authorities abolished environmental tax earlier...

Green Economy Congress to take place in Belgrade, early November

19 October 2017 - Green Economy Congress 2017 titled “Mapping the Green Economy Momentum in Post-Industrial Era” will take place...

New energy strategy of Croatia in 2018

13 October 2017 - Croatia’s long-awaited energy strategy should be prepared next year. Experts warned that this strategic document...

Initiative to investigate impact of NATO bombardment on health and environment in Serbia launched

10 October 2017 - A group of experts has launched an initiative to establish a national body and laboratory...

International energy, environment and urban smart technologies fairs opened in Belgrade

04 October 2017 - International fairs of energy, environment and urban future technologies have been opened today at the...

Paris Agreement causes disagreements in Montenegro over Pljevlja TPP

03 October 2017 - The ratification and drafting of a law to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change...

Exploring regional and SEE economies’ Assessments of BIMR Baseline

02 October 2017 - Prepared by Azra Velagić-Hajrudinović and Jelena Peruničić, GIZ ORF-BD Biodiversity Information Management and Reporting (BIMR)...

Vinča PPP signed to solve biggest environmental problem in Serbia, region

30 September 2017 - Following an international tender, an agreement on a public private partnership (PPP) was signed by...

65 CSO projects selected for co-financing by Ministry of Environmental Protection – BGEN one of winning projects

29 September 2017 - A total of 65 out of more than 200 submitted projects have been selected at...

Green building concept has important role in climate change adaptation, Belgrade conference conveys

27 September 2017 - Green building concept has important role in climate change adaptation, as buildings account for more...

Pančevo Oil Refinery receives IPPC license for pollution prevention

26 September 2017 - Pančevo-based Oil Refinery, part of the Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS), has received an integrated...

Mobility Week 2017 marked across Western Balkan region

22 September 2017 - Events for the European Commission’s traditional European Mobility Week were organized across the continent including...

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