
First ton of waste cooking oil collected from households in Croatia

First ton of waste cooking oil collected from households in Croatia

20 April 2018 - The first ton of waste cooking oil from households has been collected in Croatia and...

Serbia officially prohibits the use of plastic bags

Serbia will prohibit the use of plastic bags

19 April 2018 - Serbia will completely ban the use of thin plastic bags and introduce a mandatory payment...

European Parliament approves Circular Economy Package

European Parliament approves Circular Economy Package

19 April 2018 - The European Parliament has approved the European Union’s Circular Economy Package (CEP), backing higher recycling...

WISE project presented at international workshop in Rome

16 April 2018 - Branislava Jovičić, project manager at WISE, has presented the results so far under the Women...

Energy Cooperatives – Innovative Business Model for Energy Turn in Bosnia and Herzegovina

16 April 2018 - Author: Prof. Azrudin Husika, Ph.D. Eng. MA, President of the Regional Education and Information Center for...


EPS to hire consultant for new ash handling system in TPP Nikola Tesla

13 April 2018 - Public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) has invited expressions of interest from consultants for the...

SEPEN becomes member of European Organization for Packaging and the Environment

SEPEN becomes member of European Organization for Packaging and the Environment

12 April 2018 - The Association for Packaging and Environmental Protection (SEPEN) has been admitted to the membership of...

Skopje subsidizing procurement of pellet stoves

Skopje subsidizing procurement of pellet stoves

12 April 2018 - The City of Skopje is offering subsidies to its residents for the procurement of pellet...

Serbia will be more competitive with integrated IPPC permits

Serbia will be more competitive with integrated IPPC permits

12 April 2018 - The Embassy of Sweden in Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of...

Women and sustainable energy: research examines roles, seeks to help bridge gender gap

06 April 2018 - Women in Serbia choose sustainability – this is the overarching conclusion of the country’s first-ever...

Industrial ecology – systemic problems require a systemic approach

Industrial ecology – systemic problems require a systemic approach

05 April 2018 - Dejana Milinković, director of the Association of the Cement Industry of Serbia (CIS), discusses for...

How to involve CSOs and private sector in creating sustainable energy policy

04 April 2018 - “Given that the decision-making process in the sustainable energy sector does not include all interested...

Cadastre of Mining Waste in Serbia project as example of good practice

02 April 2018 - The project Cadastre of Mining Waste in the Republic of Serbia, as an example of...

Macedonian climate change challenges and perspectives

29 March 2018 - Author: Nataša Markovska, Senior Researcher and Professor, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts The article...

Minister Antić supports WISE expert network of women in sustainable energy, climate change, and environmental protection

29 March 2018 - The Center for the Promotion of Sustainable Development (CPOR) has presented results of the first...

11 energy, environmental proposals on key infrastructure projects list

28 March 2018 - Montenegro’s National Investment Commission adopted a list of 36 key priority infrastructure projects, including 11...

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