Energy Efficiency

Conference on financing energy efficiency on February 1, in Bucharest

Conference on financing energy efficiency on February 1, in Bucharest

17 January 2018 - Financing energy efficiency in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria is the title of the conference to...

Phased ban of incandescent bulbs starts July 1 this year in Montenegro

Phased ban of incandescent bulbs starts July 1 this year in Montenegro

17 January 2018 - From July 2018, it is not going to be possible to buy traditional incandescent bulbs...

Switching to more market-based schemes for renewables in Contracting Parties’ interest

16 January 2018 - Janez Kopač, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, speaks in an interview for the Balkan...


Public-private partnership: EIB is interested in PPP projects in Serbia

11 January 2018 - In 80% of public-private partnership (PPP) projects in Europe the public sector pays compensation to...

Applications for energy renovation of public buildings in Croatia from 15 January

Applications for energy renovation of public buildings in Croatia starts on January 15

10 January 2018 - The Call for Energy renovation of public buildings in Croatia is open for submission of...

Montenegrin capital planning savings through energy efficiency upgrade program

Montenegrin capital planning savings through energy efficiency upgrade program

29 December 2017 - The Podgorica city government is planning to cut down on energy and water expenses by...

Macedonian banks to finance energy efficiency home improvement

Macedonia’s banks to finance energy efficiency improvement in housing sector

28 December 2017 - Ohridska banka AD Skopje and Sparkasse Bank Makedonija will support investments in green technology and...

Energy Community chief's message to Serbian Members of Parliament

Energy Community chief’s message to Serbian Members of Parliament

28 December 2017 - Serbia is the first member of the Energy Community to have transposed the Third Energy...

New EUR 45 million loan for energy efficiency in Romania’s residential sector

New EUR 45 million loan for energy efficiency in Romania’s residential sector

26 December 2017 - Romanian households owners will be provided with additional EUR 45 million to invest in energy...

GIZ ORF-EE to Focus on Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Urban Mobility in SEE

GIZ ORF-EE to Focus on Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Urban Mobility in SEE

23 December 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE), active since 2008...

Serbian section of Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor put into operation

Serbian section of Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor put into operation

22 December 2017 - The Power system operator Elektromreža Srbije (EMS) put into operation the 68 km long Serbian...

First-South-East-Europe-Parliamentary-Forum-in-Vienna- GIZ-ORF EE

GIZ ORF-EE holds First South-East Europe Parliamentary Forum in Vienna

22 December 2017 - The 1st South-East Europe Parliamentary Forum was organized within the GIZ ORF-EE project Regional Cooperation...

GGE responsible for two energy efficiency projects in Bulgaria

GGE responsible for two energy efficiency projects in Bulgaria

21 December 2017 - The leading regional energy services provider, Slovenia’s GGE has been responsible for two projects in...

WISE SEE - first research, women and sustainable energy

Women in Sustainable Energy SEE – join first survey in Serbia on women’s role in sustainable energy

20 December 2017 - Who are the women who are professionally engaged in sustainable energy, climate change, and environmental...


Public-Private Partnership rules have changed in Romania

18 December 2017 - Through an emergency ordinance, approved by the government at the end of last week, Romania...

Energy Community Ministerial Council sets vision for post-2020 climate and energy policy

Energy Community Ministerial Council sets vision for post-2020 climate and energy policy

15 December 2017 - The Energy Community Ministerial Council launched a process aimed at setting targets for renewable energy,...

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