08 December 2017 - The Montenegro Energy Regulatory Agency (RAE) fulfilled a strict criteria, including compliance with the Third...
07 December 2017 - The Serbian government appointed Jelena Matejic as the General Manager of the state-owned Joint Stock...
05 December 2017 - Janez Kopač, Director of the Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat, will visit the parliaments of Kosovo*,...
01 December 2017 - Households electricity prices in Serbia and Kosovo* are the lowest in the Western Balkans region,...
01 December 2017 - European bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and Macedonian electricity transmission system operators (TSO) AD...
30 November 2017 - Public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) and the German development bank KfW signed a loan...
30 November 2017 - GE Renewable Energy will provide 38 turbines for the Serbia’s third largest wind farm Blacksmith...
29 November 2017 - The implementation of GGE’s largest energy efficiency project – the construction of a cogeneration of...
29 November 2017 - Serbia will shut-down 8 coal-fired power plant’s units of public power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS)...
29 November 2017 - Germany has paid a great amount of money for renewable energy subsidies and this mistake...
27 November 2017 - Croatian public utility Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) should start supplying electricity to the Serbian city of...
24 November 2017 - Bulgarian electricity transmission system operator ESO and its Macedonian peer MEPSO have signed an agreement...
23 November 2017 - The feed-in tariffs will be replaced by feed-in premiums (FIP), where the renewable energy producers...
22 November 2017 - The Municipality of Nova Crnja is negotiating with Chinese investors on the construction of a...
22 November 2017 - Around EUR 300 million will be invested in Albania’s energy sector, namely in renewable energy...
20 November 2017 - The projects for the implementation of a regional day-ahead market and cross-border electricity balancing are...