25 February 2016 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development sees large opportunities for savings in public budgets...
28 January 2016 - There are cooperation and communication mechanisms missing between neighboring countries, in order to take into...
23 December 2015 - Countries in the region, and generally in Europe, have strained budgets because of economic and...
25 November 2015 - The Embassy of France in Serbia has been active in raising awareness about climate change,...
28 October 2015 - Two-day conference ‘Energy. Development. Democracy’, held at the end of September in Podgorica, Montenegro, focused...
27 August 2015 - AEBIOM, the European Biomass Association, has decided to support initiatives for the development of bioenergy...
29 July 2015 - No country of this region can hope for a prosperous future without closer cooperation with...
25 June 2015 - Under the framework of its Sustainable Energy Initiative, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...
29 April 2015 - Heinz Kopetz, World Bioenergy Association president In the Balkan countries and in Turkey the energy...
01 April 2015 - More energy generated at the distribution level, from renewable sources, is requiring a system overhaul...